It's still green .... well okay, more brown ... outside. Not a "blade" of snow, as they say in Newfoundland. Certainly doesn't look like Christmas here in Nova Scotia.
I haven't a Christmas decoration up inside or outside other than the pine wreath I bought at last Saturday's craft market. I've been so busy lately.
When I'm busy, I don't eat right. When I don't eat right, I don't sleep
well. When I don't sleep well, my hands and wrists ache in the morning from arthritis and I shlump at work. When I ache and shlump, I crave the wrong kind of food; and then my emergency supply of food at work (granola bars, chocolate covered almonds, peanuts, etc)
gets depleted. When I eat too much of that stuff, I bloat and feel fat. As it's cold at work, I then resort to wearing my "man" sweater which is always hanging in the stock room.
Kinda looks like this one..... except with less shape and more nubbles! |
It's not really attractive and doesn't go with my little black pencil skirts and kitten heels. But when I wear it, I don't have to hold my stomach in ---- the stomach full of granola bars and microwave popcorn!
In honor of my faithful "man" sweater, and to give you a break from Christmas music, here's an oldie:
"The Sweater Song" by Meryn Cadell!
Let's see if you can relate!