So why don't you grab a little feed and something to drink and sit for a while: I'll tell you a story .....
Once upon a time, in a pretty little house near a babbling brook surrounded by dancing daisies and happy hosta, there lived an extremely handsome but vain rooster named Geoffrey Glass. Geoffrey spent his days doing not much more than looking down (literally) on all the other roosters in the dining room and flirting with the beady-eyed twins, Plucky & Lucky (aptly named for their rather loose morals when it came to Geoffrey!).He often regaled them with stories of his travels, talents and bravery. "Ever hear the one about the chicken crossing the road in Hollywood, girls?" Geoffrey crowed. "That was ME! I went to see my friend, Gregory Peck!".
The girls almost laid an egg with delight! "Oh Geoffrey!" they clucked. "You truly are the Cock-of-the-Walk!"
Geoffrey's jibes and snobbery were a constant irritant in the room, especially for the Shelf Gang led by peg-legged Captain Tall-Comb.

Geoffrey's tail feathers were ruffled! "I'm not going to stand here and be insulted!" said Geoffrey. "I'm NOT a chicken; and I'll prove it! Who'll come on an adventure me?"
Leave the safety and comfort of the coop? whereupon one of the Chinese triplets fainted. "Not I!" chirped Henny Penny. "Not I!" said Clucky Lucky."Not I!" said the Czech brothers! "Not I!" said Dotty and Spot! "Not I! Not I! Not I!" A chorus was heard throughout the room.
In a huff, Geoffrey Glass jumped off the china cabinet to the floor. But before he had a chance to move on, something landed next to him with a LOUD thump! Geoffrey slowly turned ..... and looked down.
His face took on a look of absolute horror, and he began running about the room crying "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" Quicker than you could say Colonel Saunders, Geoffrey was back where he started at the top of the china cabinet, his feathers still quivering in fright!
Not a peep was heard as the formerly high and lofty Geoffrey Glass suddenly went from being a Rhode Island Red to a Hungarian Yellow!
The moral of the story:
In the poultry world,
talk is "Cheep!"
Heeehehehe! This was the best rooster party I've visited. This chick is cacklin' like crazy.
Have fun and a terrifically blessed day!!!
LOL - you should show this to Miss Janice!
I read that book - and heard the author is dating one of our local authors!
Hi Sandy! What an adorable post! You are quite the story telling and that cocky Rooster. Love seeing your collection.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Too cute!
This is the cutest story ever! I had to go back and look at all your lovelies because the story was so cute...excellent!
How cute your Roosters are! I just love them and have many at my house. I'll have to check out Barb's blog and see the participants entries.
LOL!!!! What a great Rooster Party Post, Sandy. I love it. And your rooster collections is totally fantastic! Geoffrey Plucky and Lucky are very pretty. And I very much like Captain Tall Comb as well. But I best not forget the four salt and pepper sets at the bottom... I really liked those as well.
Again, what a super post! You really know how to have a good time!
Keep smiling and laughing,
I've had a cooking injury which has made it hard for me to type but I want you to know that I have enjoyed scrolling through your rooster post. I'm very visual and appreciate every unique rooster I'm seeing as I hop from blog to blog! Forgive me for not being able to be more personal. Cock a doodle do!
What beautiful roosters, our crow and make a mess!
Hahaha! Too funny!
I love Capt. Tall Comb and the chinese triplets! Very cute :) Linda
Ok, wiping the tears from my eyes, the fainting chicken is just too perfect!!! Thanks for the laugh:@)
Sandy, this is great. Great! I love your sweet roosters. The colors are lovely!
Thank you for joining us and sharing. Have a great time visiting everyone.
Hugs, Barb ♥
GREAT story and roosters too! Am so glad I stopped by cuz the smile hasn't left my face!
This is absolutely precious..I love your story and your collection of roosters is great!!
Most of all, I love your cute sense of humor so therefore, I am signing up to follow...:)
I have rooster feathers over at my place, too...come on over.
xo bj
So, does this mean you like chickens and roosters? :)
Your stuff will go out after my payday on the 15th. Shippin' to Canada is 'spensive!!! I really think you'll like the replacements better...
LOVE the name of your blog!
Some of those stubby little fat rooster are killing me!
How cute. Trish
I want to thank you for visiting me!I've got a curiosity...I see many roosters in American and Canadian houses but I'd like to know if the rooster is a symbol of something.Bye from Italy,Anna.
hahahahaha.. what a fun post and beautiful roosters. I'm so glad I visited...
Dear Sandy,thanks for the information.Have a nice day,Anna.
Love your roosters! I am trying to make it to everyone in the party this week! What a great story!
So very funny!
A great stop on the Rooster Tour!
Becky K.
Hospitality Lane
Not only did you show off your collection but created an entertaining story to go along! HEHE! Love it! A gorgeous flock of fine feathered friends! Thanks for showing them off!
dotty & spot are adorable!
Oh my gracious this was so funny and entertaining! And from ceramic to wooden to book, all your roosters are so cute, with Captain Tall-Comb and the Chinese Triplets being my personal favorites. Thank you for a delightful visit.
Love the yellow rooster plate, very pretty! All of your roosters are nice. Have a great weekend.
Love your Roosters!
Thank you for sharing!
Have a great weekend~
That was quite clever and very entertaining, well done!!!
Love your story and Rooster post, most of all love the old salt and pepper shaker set! You should be wring books girl!! XOXO
So funny! I love your salt and pepper shakers!
What an adorable post. Cute story! ~ Sarah
Cute/cleaver post. Love your collection! Have a great weekend. Jo in MN
Oh, this is just way too cute! What a fun rooster party! Happy I found your fun blog!
What a cute post...so is your rooster and hen collection! Have a great weekend, Sandy.
Those are great!
Oh My,
I laughed so hard my husband had to check it out! The name of your blog attacted me first and foremost from Barb's list so I had to check it out. I am so glad I came to your rooster party!
So enjoyed the story...I think I will have to follow along too!
Enjoy the party!
Oh so cute. I am in awe of all the different roosters out there. Tall ones like the fellow you are showing us, glass, ceramic, wood, it's all just perfect. You have a great collection, Char
such an imagination!! I love it!!
wonderful story!
That was fun to read! Well done!!
Ha ha ha --great story! And you've got an awesome collection there!
Great show of roosters and no one can be you for story telling. Funny!
...oh my gosh...very funny and well done! love your collection too!
Oh my goodness! I love all the fowl talk!!!!!
You are so dang clever.
I love all those cluckers. You've quite a collection my friend.
I love your story and Novia Scotia, thank you for show me. Roosters are like that, yeah, they are ;) Blessings, Janet
You have some great roosters!! I love the vintage salt & pepper shakers. Sorry for being late to the party but I've been on vacation :)
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