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A journey of exploration and discovery of who I am becoming during the aging process. A great big bang-up HURRAH! that I'm alive. A lot of talk about sundry and miscellaneous stuff & nonsense that may or may not have relevance; they may not even make sense (remember, I'm menopausal!). But I'm hoping they'll be fun.
Guess what sold?
Yup! The "stuff". People loved my stuff! I had taken the time to put all the jewellery on cards so they were nicely displayed; that went like hot cakes.
Our location was great; the sun didn't get around to our end of the house until just after noon. My darling daughter Molly surprised me with a delicious lunch.
... cream of tomato soup and these lovely sandwiches she created herself -- grilled whole grain bread spread lightly with mayo on one slice and dijon on the other, topped with processed mozzarella cheese and then sprinkled with feta, green onions and red peppers. They were soooo good!.
Then the sun came round and man! was it hot! Every time we seriously discussed closing up shop and packing things away, another car would drive up. We stuck it out until about 1:30 pm. The larger items went back inside (to be sold on Kijiji). Then we packed up the things I absolutely didn't want, and I dropped them off at The Daisy. By the time I got back, Molly had just about put everything else away. What an enormous help she was!.
We collapsed on the couch in front of the fan with a cold brew, and I pretended I was Milburn Drysdale. I made about $200 and gave my lovely assistant 20%. After a much necessary half hour snooze, I swept, vacuumed and tidied the house, showered and took us off for dinner.
Yum, yum! Indian food - fish masala, vegetable pulea, nan bread and raita ... followed by the lightest, fluffiest, most delicious coconut cream cake. A good days work deserves a good dinner, don't ya think?
There's naught to do now except put my feet up, thank God for his blessings and await the arrival of Irene. More prayers for that, I guess!
Considering I began the day with a delicious dark-roast coffee and a flakey almond croisant at the Farmer's Market, I'd say I did well for my $30!In The Fall from Steve Cutts on Vimeo.
Poor garden badly needs a weeding: but Mama needs a vacation slightly more!
My vegetable garden plot at the Community Garden has grown great-guns since I was there a week and a half ago. We've had several hot days followed by several rainy days. Just look at this bumper crop of green and yellow beans! I blanched 5 bags of beans for the freezer. But I did get to eat Swiss chard (with oodles of butter and a splash of white vinegar) and beans for dinner last night and tonight. Yum, yum! So delicious! I'll have to pick again next weekend; and then perhaps one more time before my beans are spent. Tomatoes are growing well though.
Now my lovelies, I'm off for a 4 day mini-vacation which includes a pirate party on a tall ship and food fit for a Queen.
Hmmmm? I wonder what the peasants are doing this weekend?
PS - Don't forget to drop by Tootsie Time for Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers Aug. 5/11
posted by Tootsie at
Sorry! I thought I could return to a normal schedule. But my sense of 'normal' has changed. After the past 5 years of various ailm...