Rabbit Rabbit Everyone!
When I awoke at 6:30 this morning, I could hear the click-click of frozen snow on the windowpane.
A day all school children adore -- Snow Day!
And what a way to start March. In like a lion, out like a lamb, I guess --- I hope!
The roads were very bad; and it didn't stop snowing until just after noon. So, it was a snow day for me as well. After a 2 hour breakfast of tea and toast and reading "The Maze Runner", I spent an hour or so cleaning, followed by an hour nap, followed by another hour of tea and "The Maze Runner". A perfect morning I'd say.
"Should I attempt to go into work now?" I wondered
I'd have to get out of the driveway first! And as pretty as it was outside, I contented myself with making lasagne and Thai meatballs and baking a cinnamon loaf.
My God-sent, mysterious shovelling man (who's been showing up for the past couple of weeks) did not show today. So, after the girls had been up for a while, we all went outside to shovel. The temperature as perfect and we finished in less than an hour.
Thank Heavens for those little girls!
Time for hot chocolate and cinnamon bread and more much deserved rest |
BTW -- it's snowing again. Oy vey!
I'm looking forward to the rain that's supposed to come tomorrow -- not only will it get rid of the snow but it's indicative of spring. Spring people! As I sit and sip, I muse in anticipation of sunshine and rain and little green shoots; of rain boots and jackets and umbrellas. Yes, and even of being irritated at the deer eating my tulip buds. Spring is coming!
So, what's happening in your neck of the wood this first day of March?
What are you dreaming of today?