I still miss my little Korean girl, but it's getting easier day by day. When I took her to the airport, we were spending the night at a hotel, paid by the international student program,
because my new Japanese student was arriving at 10 pm Sat night and Elly was leaving at 5:30 am Sun morning. So, we arrived at the very lush Ault Hotel (very modern European flair) and checked into our separate rooms on the same floor along with roughly 10 million Colombian students leaving on that same 5:30 am flight. (Okay, perhaps 10 million is a bit of an exaggeration but that how it felt when they were running around in the hallways screaming.)
Now, we all know what winter travel can be like in the northern hemisphere. The 10 pm flight was delayed to 11 pm. It was then delayed to 12:10; then 2 am; and finally it arrived at 3:15 am. I tried to sleep in between, but it impossible with those 10 million Colombians I mentioned! Then seeing as Elly had to check in for her flight (with the 10 million) at 3:30, I just stayed up.
Let me just say that I certainly was in a good mood at that hour of the day!
I was allowed to sleep after that for 4 hours until breakfast and hitting the road. And after a week, I think I'm finally caught up on my rest and things are going wonderfully.
Let me introduce you to my lovely new Japanese daughter, Nagisa -- tiny little beauty who does hip hop dance and loves music, shopping, the color pink and all things Disney (as well as a few sports). She's my first true girlie-girl student.
I've only one student this semester; the house is quieter and neater and, although I now have to live closer-to-the-bone, I'm enjoying it. She's a wonderful kid: so amazingly easy to live with, neat and quiet, thinks everything I cook is delicious, does the dishes without having to be told AND -- something virtually unheard of in the world of Asian students -- she does not leave a mess in the bathroom. (I shall have to video tape her explanation of such so we can use it as a teaching aid for all future Asian students.)
She came bearing little gifts from home for me -- 3 Furoshiki (Japanese fabric squares used to wrap gifts in), a warm undershirt and something that's always a favorite gift from my students -- weird and unusual food stuffs. Look at it all! Ain't it fun? I could play a foodie version of Russian roulette!
From top right in the pretty fabric bag - tea; then ramen, dashi for making stock, a wee tin of macha, curry and beef stew flavoring cubes, powder for making Japanese tako; and top dead center, 2 packets of soba noodles. Why are there angry warriors on the packaging? I don't know; but I think it's hilarious. I do hope though that they'll make me happy when I eat them.
Ahhhhh! I see more more food adventures on the horizon!