Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Happy November!

Image result for November

"November comes, and November goes,
      With the last red berries and the first white snows.
With night coming early, and dawn coming late,
      And ice in the bucket and frost by the gate.
The fires burn and the kettles sing,
      And earth sinks to rest u
ntil next spring."

-- Elizabeth Coatsworth (1893–1986)

Image result for Newfoundland long cold winterWhere does the time go! November already! And in spite of our terrible summer here in western Newfoundland, fall has been wonderful with lots of cool, crisp days and no snow. That may change tonight! So today my winter tires get installed on my car, and once again, I begin the descent into Newfoundland's long, cold 6-month-long night!  The abundance of dogberries predicts a cold, snowy winter! 

Image result for hyggeSomehow, my attitude this year is different -- more positive. Winter here always means lots of alone time for me: driving can be very treacherous and we get a lot of snow. Any time school is closed, the office is closed as well.  But I recently dug out some crafting projects and am enjoying quilting and knitting again. I have a stack of unread books and a basket of woolen socks nearby. I'm looking forward to practicing more 'hygge'. 

Image result for i love my chiropractorI've also begun to eat more plant-based foods as well as stretching and light weights (aka soup cans)! As one ages, one's health can so easily go downhill. It's so important to know and listen to your body; your inner voice/intuition is often very wise! I listened to mine recently and gave up taking an acid reflux tablet prescribed by my doctor; and after 3 months, my stomach problems and leg and foot cramping have stopped! My chiropractor cured my acid reflux with 2 adjustments! 

Image result for turning 65 AFI turned 65 last month, but retirement is not in the picture for me for a few more years. I mean, WHAT would I do at home 24/7? Also, I really love my job; I'm fortunate that I can remain here. 

The 60's are proving to be an interesting time! It's scary and frustrating to watch yourself become more wrinkly and more weak; and your body begins to object to certain foods that you've always enjoyed! Scheesch!  But I'm so thankful that my body and my mind tell me to keep moving and learning. I want to have as much life as possible in my years! 

Happy November y'all! 

Remember to dance; 
remember to breathe deeply; 
remember to be easy on yourselves.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It' wasn't until I turned 70 that I really saw a gig idifference, now every day is a new adventure. I've learned to be good to myself and take it easy. We are supposed to see snow here today. To me Novermember is time for the comforts of home...keeping warm and cozy.

Leanna said...

I love November because it is my baking month. I'm also 65, September child. I've learned to take one day at a time and to pace myself now after having another bad flare from my MCTD last week. It took me down hard. So now I'm going to be more careful.
SPecial note I saw your comment on my blog and added you to my blog roll so I can check-in and see what you are up to in that neck of the world.

Jenny Woolf said...

That's interesting about the acid reflux tablet - which one was it? A couple of weeks of winter is enough for me! :)


  Sorry! I thought I could return to a normal schedule. But my sense of 'normal' has changed. After the past 5 years of various ailm...