Friday, January 20, 2023

Goodbye David


One of my childhood icons has died today. Like so many of us, I loved the music of David Crosby, from his early years with The Byrds to Crosty, Stills, Nash and Young, and on to his own solo efforts. 

I was a very young teen when I first discovered his music. And although I didn't always understand the politics behind some of the words, the beautiful harmonies and poetry of the lyrics always touched the deepest part of me.  

I hear he was a difficult man; his life was colored with substance abuse, prison, infighting, rudeness - much of which was caused by his addiction. According to the 2019 Netflix documentary "Remember My Name", David regretted past actions and spent his latter days trying to make amends ... trying to find peace. (Me too, David; me too. )

At the end of the documentary, David once again said something that resonated deep, deep down inside me, and I've adopted those words as one of the tenets of this, the winter of my life:

"Time is the final currency. How are you spending yours?"

Farewell, dear David. 

And thank you for the music. 


bahnwärterin said...

i´m a bit to young for teenage memories - but later in life i discovered the music of crosby, stills, nash & young.... and i like it very much.
what you wrote about david crosby´s later life shows that it is never to late to change ourselfs for the better.......
#metoo - trying to find peace

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a nice tribute to this musician. Music does change our lives. Hopefully for the better. I like that quote about time and spending it wisely.

Along These Lines ... said...

Nice tribute. An interesting character for sure


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