The 1st part of the path is now covered with beautiful ferns on both sides. If I looked at them too long, everything went fuzzy ..... like looking for the hidden image in one of those maze-type pictures that come across your Facebook page. Whozzy! But so beautiful to walk through these waves of lacy green!
A journey of exploration and discovery of who I am becoming during the aging process. A great big bang-up HURRAH! that I'm alive. A lot of talk about sundry and miscellaneous stuff & nonsense that may or may not have relevance; they may not even make sense (remember, I'm menopausal!). But I'm hoping they'll be fun.
Sunday, June 18, 2023
Sunday, June 11, 2023
Happy June/Happy Pride
Sorry for my absence but my body hasn't been functioning as it should. An x-ray showed no arthritis in my hand 💁; so the next step is to see a neurologist. But after a 3 week head cold along with debilitating pain in my right hand and arm (to the point where I couldn't use it), I'm now beginning to feel better. Aging sucks!
I've eaten boring food and watched boring TV, so I've nothing exciting to share on that end. We've had 2 days of sunshine sandwiched by 16 days of cold and rain. Still I've gotten out for my brookside walks a number of times. It's fascinating to watch spring wake the earth: the unfurling of a fern or the lifecycle of a Dandelion bring such delight and hope.
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And the community garden is coming along beautifully. It needs to be weeded again soon. But all the neighbours join me in saying what a joy it is to look outside and see the blooms (especially on these rainy days).
Sorry! I thought I could return to a normal schedule. But my sense of 'normal' has changed. After the past 5 years of various ailm...

I was tagged for "Lucky Chinese Tag 8" by Sara at Dream Big ( ). Now, I have no idea why this is...
Sorry! I thought I could return to a normal schedule. But my sense of 'normal' has changed. After the past 5 years of various ailm...
I came across these facts this morning from Buzz Feed via a friend on Facebook. Some I knew already, and some I just learned. But they...