Sunday, June 18, 2023

I spent my past week moving furniture from room to room just ahead of the painter; one more day (for the painter) to completion! 🤞 My aching body has been glad of a few days off to take my time with the aftermath and prepare for Tuesday when painting resumes. So, I decided that today would be a day of total rest; just a lazy day of indulgence. I began with an 8 am brookside walk. 

The 1st part of the path is now covered with beautiful ferns on both sides. If I looked at them too long, everything went fuzzy ..... like looking for the hidden image in one of those maze-type pictures that come across your Facebook page. Whozzy! But so beautiful to walk through these waves of lacy green!

The mornings are still quite cool here - only 8𝇈C (46𝇈F). I was chilled when I got back. So, coffee was next on my agenda. Freshly ground, good quality beans, frothy milk and just a smidge of honey make this such a treat. And I drank it from my new cup (Homegoods). Ahhhh! 

I'll make granola later. And I'll probably walk the path again this afternoon. But for now, I'll catch up on my bloggy friends and u-tubers. And I'll rest, rest, rest. 

I leave you with a Happy Father's Day and a Happy Pride Month. 

Namaste y'all! 💖


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, those gorgeous ferns! And it's one of life's best little simple treats to enjoy a good coffee in a new cup!

Abby said...

What a nice start to your day! Love the ferns.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Moving all the furniture would be a chore Glad you took a day to rest and relax. You have a beautiful place to walk there and I hope after today the painting will be finished for you. Then you can sit back and just enjoy it all!

Kay G. said...

Oh my yes, I love those ferns. I also make my own granola! With fresh blueberries and milk, that is such a good breakfast!

morfeas said...

Απο blog σε blog εφτασα και στο δικό σου
Σκεφτηκα να σου πω μια Καλησπέρα
Καλό Βράδυ από Ελλάδα


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