A journey of exploration and discovery of who I am becoming during the aging process. A great big bang-up HURRAH! that I'm alive. A lot of talk about sundry and miscellaneous stuff & nonsense that may or may not have relevance; they may not even make sense (remember, I'm menopausal!). But I'm hoping they'll be fun.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Dear 16-year-old Me
In memory of Larry who would have turned 62 May 30th.
He was 31 when it first showed up; 58 when it took him.
Be informed; be smart; LIVE!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Fertilizer Friday May 27.11

The sun is threatening to shine today -- yipee! It would be so nice to get out and finish my weeding, especially with my thoughts this week constantly moving ourdoors and dreaming of new flower beds AND tomorrow's plant/yard sales.
The garden is beginning to fill in again, and things are beginning to bloom.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Thrifty Thursday May 26.11


And then I found 2 skirts. This pretty cotton paisley needs an extra snap sewn on.

And this beautiful crepe chiffon is perfect just as it is.

Friday, May 20, 2011
A Royal Beauty!

Both Wednesday and Thursday afternoon brought actual sunshine in Nova Scotia. And who was at work, hmmm? Back to rain today and tomorrow! OH WOE IS ME!!
My flower beds are in dire need of weeding. But of course, that also means that there's lots growing. The tulips are on their last legs and the creeping phlox are just starting to bloom. Some of my Primula plants have bloomed and left, but most will all open this Sunday when we see sunshine again. But look at this lovely vision in purple that I found hiding out in the side bed.
Three years ago, I bought some seed plants from a local nursery which were labelled "Primula". This is the first one ever to bloom and isn't she pretty! As you can see, the leaves are smooth and a lime-green color -- unlike the other Primula I have growing. Perhaps it was labelled incorrectly? Perhaps it's just another variety?
Either way, "a primula by any other name would look as sweet!"
Happy gardening!
And please visit Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers May 20/11
posted by Tootsie at Tootsie Time .
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Any company out there for my misery??

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Head Cold
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sore Throat
I seldom post on weekends but always like to greet my blog friends on Mondays. However, today I can barely talk due to ....

And I have the usual sniffles and aches and sleepies!
So, I'll rejoin the blog world in a few days.
Stay warm and healthy!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Thrifty Thursday Mothers Day Treats - May 12.11
Last Saturday morning, I attended the secondhand jewellery sale held by a local women's centre. My budget was $20; I went over by $3! And look at the goodies I got (some of which will be gifts for others).

I love a pretty ethnic bracelet, and I didn't have a simple gold chain. These were $3 each.


What a fun Mother's Day gift to myself. And where else can you get 19 pieces of jewellery for $23?
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Shoesday May 10.11
All around is green! Every shade of beautiful, bright, verdancy imaginable! Lush growth that sprouts up inches a day -- almost before your eyes! (My front bed looking down from my 2nd floor bedroom window.)

Yes, nature is a clean, green, growing machine. And although it's lovely to see natures unstoppable urgency to grow and bless us, it comes at a certain expense .....

In parts of Canada, they are gearing up for flooding. Local government in Saskatchewan have given the order for evacuation, and people are faced with the possibility of losing all their material possessions. My prayers go out to them.
So, although we in Nova Scotia are water-logged and soggy, we really shouldn't complain. When the rain begins to get me down, I become pro-active in looking for ways to cheer myself up. Music, exercise, laughter and (yes) food! AND clothing! Today I am wearing verdant shoes -- with cute little bows!I feel better already! Why, my blue dress pants even have a little green stripe in them.
But I don't have a lightweight green blouse (I haven't unpacked my summer clothes yet). So, I'm topping myself off with this:
Contrary to what Kermit sang, in this part of the world, it is most definately easy to be green!
Monday, May 9, 2011
I'm a blessed Mama
Mother's Day was cool with a mixture of sunshine and cloudy periods. But the sunny periods gave me an opportunity to snap my beautiful tulips.

I dressed for church befitting the royal Princess that I am -- at least today.

An afternoon nap was followed by gifts: a beautiful homemade card painstakenly written in English from my little Korean girl telling me how much she cares for me and what a good mother I am to her. Ohhh, it brought tears to my eyes. My necklace and lovely soppy card from Libby again brought tears to my eyes.

Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother's Day Eve

Shopping done: and by 12:45, I had finger sandwiches prepared and was out the door for the annual Mother's Day Tea at my church. This year was extra special; we have a new Hostess who did the most spectacular job, not only in decorating and presentation of the food but in the guest speakers.
We had a display from "The Garden of Readin", our local Christian bookstore. We had a wonderful talk from 2 reps of "Works for Widows", a non-profit organization that helps widows from Sri Lanka earn money, as well as a presentation of their beautiful jewellery. (Alas, I had already spent my quota that morning!) And then we also had a rep from the "Sleep Clinic" who spoke on sleep apnea. (If anyone out there snores badly and/or wakes from sleep still feeling exhausted, the rep recommends being tested for sleep apnea. She says that her life has drastically changed for the better after being diagnosed and using the mask at night.)

Then came the food! Tea, coffee and a punch fountain. Several delicious varieties of finger sandwiches (does anyone else out there find that egg salad tastes so much better at a Tea and Sale than it does at home?), mini quiche, devilled eggs, fruit and veggie plate. And then dessert: yummy lemon tarts, cupcakes filled with cherry compot, chocolate dipped strawberries and shortbreads. It was not only delicious and filling, but so lovely to sit and be catered to.
I spent my evening with a little mending, a glass of red wine and "Slumdog Millionare".
I am relaxed and content!
On being a mother? Miraculous! Joyous! Self-sacrificing. Heart-breaking at times. Exausting is an understatement. Wouldn't give it up for the world! And isn't it nice to be pampered and appreciated sometimes.
A very Happy Mother's Day to all my bloggie friends.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
I'm Longing .......
I'm longing for:
- Sunny days; rain, rain, go away!
- Dirt under my fingernails, a slight back ache and piles of weeds at my feet.
- Less busy-ness!
- No one calling me "Mom" for 2 weeks!!!!! (Except for this coming Sunday, of course.)
- The ability to walk in the back of the basement and find things when I need them.
- The loss of 10 (or dare I say it?) 20 pounds.
- A perfect pair of yellow shoes. Ðαωᾔ at Creative Cain Cabin has a pair .... but she won't give them to me! (And I still like her; 'cause that's the kind of magnamious, forgiving, Christian woman I am.) Sigh ... The search continues.
These are cute & look comfy and my feet would enjoy them!...These are ULTRA gorgeous!!! and my eyes would really enjoy them! and they're what I'd wear if I had my youthful feet again. I'm looking for cute and comfy. Sigh...
- A pair of classic navy blue dress pants, preferably thrifted and around the $5-$6 mark. They're so elusive, I couldn't even find an image on Google! The search continues.
- Summer evenings in a lawn chair with family and an open fire.
(Disclaimer: These are not my feet because I adamantly refuse to wear Smurf-footed crocs! I have some standards, however few ... and however low!)
It's Friday soon.
And the sun is supposed to shine!
Time to stop sighing and go to bed. Goodnight!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I'm just a red girl today. Now, I'm off downstairs to have my breakfast while the girls finish their morning preparations for school and/or work. And while I drink my tea, I'll be looking through this book and continue my dreams of summer vacation.

Sorry! I thought I could return to a normal schedule. But my sense of 'normal' has changed. After the past 5 years of various ailm...

I was tagged for "Lucky Chinese Tag 8" by Sara at Dream Big ( http://sharleystudio.blogspot.com ). Now, I have no idea why this is...
Sorry! I thought I could return to a normal schedule. But my sense of 'normal' has changed. After the past 5 years of various ailm...
I came across these facts this morning from Buzz Feed via a friend on Facebook. Some I knew already, and some I just learned. But they...