The weather here this week has been overcast and grey. It must be because it's Exhibition week and the Bill Lynch rides are here! LOL! (That's always the running joke.)
But the skies are not grey for me: my Mom and Dad arrived last Sunday; and I've taken a few vacation days to day trip around the province. At almost 83, I'm amazed by their energy and I'm loving their desire to see everything they can see.
Yesterday, we went to the Annapolis Valley. Dad wanted to see apple trees (which he did in abundance, around every corner, in every size and variety) and the Minas Basin with it's HIGH tides and mud flats.
It was especially wonderful for my Mom and I to drive around a corner in our "wanderings" and come across this:

There in front of us was a huge field of day lilies -

Every size and color:

The scent was intoxicating!!!!
Now I've just got enough time to visit Tootsie at Tootsie Time and check out Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers July 29/11. But I can't dawdle because today we head to "Piddily Island" (Prince Edward Island) where I'll eat Cow's ice cream and cheese before lying on their gorgeous red sandy beaches; perhaps I'll even get to visit my childhood friend and hero, "Anne of Green Gables".
Happy Weekend everyone!