Monday, October 2, 2017

Coppermine Mountain Trail

Autumn has not only reached us here in western Newfoundland, we are experiencing quite cold mornings and evenings; so the leaves are changing color rapidly. It sure is getting pretty(ier) outside. 

This weekend's hike was up another mountain; and apparently 3.5 km straight up the side of a mountain on a narrow, root 'n rock filled muddy path is it! My limit, I mean. This hike was a killer! 
We hiked the red line.
Now, don't get me wrong: I loved it! But I'm sure if you were anywhere near me on the last leg of the climb you could hear my brain repeating my climbing mantra: "Just one foot in front of the other, Sandy. Just one more foot." We started the morning early in roughly 4 deg C (about 39 deg F) temperatures with the vague threat of a shower in the afternoon. There were plenty of rest stops and lookouts to take advantage of. And as is usual here in NL, we went from forest to bracken to barrens until we finally reached the top. 

We've reached the top, right?

What do you mean, no?

We have to cross that other field of bracken and climb the hill to the top of THAT mountain? 

"One foot in front of the other, Sandy. One in front of the other!"

On one side of us was the mouth of the Bay of Islands looking out to the Atlantic Ocean. And the other three sides were hills and trees and mountain and ponds: it was spectacular, even in the overcast weather. We did experience intermittent misty showers; and when we finally reached the cairn at the top of Copper Mine Mountain, we were tired and hungry, ready for our lunch rest.

But man! It was cold up there! Probably only about 2 deg C. And as we huddled behind the cairn munching on our sandwiches (and dreaming of hot tea), tiny flakes of white stuff fell momentarily from the sky and landed on my backpack!

The return 3.5 km took just as long as climbing up did because it was so steep, muddy, rocky/rooty and narrow. But oh what bliss to finally reach the bottom and exchange my hiking boots for sneakers.

When I finally got back home, extra time was given to my aftercare; lots of stretching and a huge mug of warm tea in my fragrant scented epsom salts bath. I spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening relaxing and napping. I need to regain my strength!

Hmmmm? I wonder where we'll hike next weekend?


DUTA said...

Kudos to you for your hiking adventures! The pictures are amazingly beautiful.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You are a daring soul to undertake hikes like this one. I'd say that hot tea and bath were definitely appreciated. Beautiful pictures though. The sight had to have been magnificent.

sabine ingerl said...

Congrats, Sandy! The view is gorgeous. It makes it worth suffering, I suppose.


  Sorry! I thought I could return to a normal schedule. But my sense of 'normal' has changed. After the past 5 years of various ailm...