Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Canada Day Adventures

Logging is one of Newfoundland's oldest industries, and that means that there are old unused logging roads everywhere. With our great love of the rugged outdoors, these roads are still well used; and many people have set up their weekend cabins (cottages) in these places. The government accepts applications to rent a piece of land at a nominal fee, and because some of these trails are part of the Appalachian Mountains Trail and are used by the local snowmobile and ATV clubs, they work to keep the trails and roads in 'good' condition ..... well, good for off road vehicles and 4x4's.

I spent the Canada Day weekend at my brother's cabin, and it was so wonderful! His comfy but rustic cabin overlooks a pond (we don't have "lakes" in NL -- only ponds); and the front garden and deck are always open to squirrels, chipmunks, Blue and Grey Jays and the
Toast and fruit are on today's menu.
occasional moose or caribou (although not during my stay). I spent lots of time just relaxing with my book of NY Times crosswords, got in a great hike and ate sporatic but wonderful meals. Barbequed steak, baked potato, grilled asparagus and strawberry shortcake on Sat night means steak 'n' home fries, an asparagus omlette and fruit salad on Sun morning! Yum yum! 
And evening visits to and from friendly neighbors means lots of Newfie music, cold beers and big, blazing fires!  

💛Ahhhhh! Fresh air at yer bum
 .... sky at your head
 .... and bird song
all around you! ðŸ’› 

My brother has a generator, so there were lights, a small refrigerator and, depending on the time of day, even a few channels on the satellite TV. And although his cabin has a bathroom with a composting toilet, my favorite 'room' was this one.  

It was clean, fresh smelling and ........... drum roll .................. it boasts a clear, plexiglass roof which provides the most beautiful view! Plus you get a heck of a lot more privacy. But yeah, that view!   
                                ðŸ’– ðŸ’–💖 

I hope your Canada Day was a good one. And to my American friends, I hope your July 4th gives you something great to celebrate tomorrow.



I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy Canada Day ! How wonderful to have such a place to visit! The view is beautiful. Nice to get away and enjoy the beauty all around us.

Jeanie said...

It looks like a wonderful way to spend the holiday. Belated Canada Day wishes. I've been offline for a few! But I hope you keep enjoying even a few days later!


  Sorry! I thought I could return to a normal schedule. But my sense of 'normal' has changed. After the past 5 years of various ailm...