A journey of exploration and discovery of who I am becoming during the aging process. A great big bang-up HURRAH! that I'm alive. A lot of talk about sundry and miscellaneous stuff & nonsense that may or may not have relevance; they may not even make sense (remember, I'm menopausal!). But I'm hoping they'll be fun.
Monday, August 31, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Check out this great Rooster Party hosted by Barb at Bella Vista http://barbsgoodlife.blogspot.com/2009/08/show-us-your-rooster-blog-party.html
But first, come meet my friendly little roosters.

I found this beauty about a week before Mother's Day this year at the Salvation Army Thrift Store. He was a whopping $25 because apparently the Chaplain had checked his markings underneath and looked him up online. I hemmed and hawed over buying this little guy; my Mother's Day gift from me to me was already tucked away under my bed. (Hey! I'm a single mom raising 3 girls -- someone's gotta reward me for my effort!!). You know, I even walked out of the store and got into my car before I talked myself out of NOT buying him. I couldn't get him off my mind -- he was just so sweet! I mean, look at his little eyes and his coy smile.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I was fortunate enough to be one of, I believe, 56 people who signed up for a little project put on by Shelagh at http://aliceinparislovesartandtea.blogspot.com/ which she called the Artful Penpal. She took info from each of us and then paired us up according to likes and dislikes.
As a young girl, I loved having penpals! I had a male penpal in Japan in the mid 1960's for 3 years (I can still rhyme off his full name and address -- although I've still no idea where exactly in Japan it is). I also had a female penpal in Winnipeg for a year or so, and I wrote to a girl I met at girl guide camp the summer of 1964 (who was Gordon Pinsent's neice!) for a few years. We exchanged letters and little trinkets; I still have the letters from my Japanese penpal and the Japanese doll he sent. (I believe I reciprocated with Canadian maple leaf cuff links).
Laura at http://whitespraypaint.blogspot.com/ has a great blog today called Penpals; it's all about the correlations between blogging and writing to penpals, about the fun and the friendship involved.
This week, I received my first hand-written letter and package from my new Artful Penpal in Trinidad & Tobago. I was SO excited when this arrived -- it was just like I was 10 again! (Well, except for the grey hair and the extra 30 lb and the having to go to work for a living, and the no boobs, and the Gr 5 math tests, etc etc etc.)
Look what she sent me:

There was information all about her wonderful country and it's famous "Carnival", as well as a hand-made (by her) Carnival doll with string joints and extra clothing and accessories. How sweet of her! And what talent she has!
I'm still in the middle of preparing for my international students, but I'm so excited to make time to write to my new pal!
How many of you still write hand-written letters to friends? Or perhaps you have penpals to whom you "type" long, informatative, chatty letters?
How to Successfully Skive off Work and Have a Break ......
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Playing Musical Rooms!!
As I'm hosting 2 international students this year , I'll need to have a large enough bed for my youngest daughter to be able to share with my middle daughter when she comes home from college on the occasional weekend. Soooooo ............. I'll move the queen size bed downstairs! (And I'll try sleeping on the 3/4 size bed.)

Oh my!!
Oh ... my .................

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
You should also check out her Etsy shop ... such pretty baubbles!!
Should we beware? Is Big Brother really watching us that closely? Does he even need to watch us; or do we just give ourselves away through our blog? But hey! I'm no threat to Big Brother! I've nothing to hide ....... except those extra 5 lb I've put on this summer!
It was really, really difficult to choose a winner. There were so many great answers. I have to give honorable notice to Nezzy cowpattysurprise.blogspot.com/ and Mysteryhistorymom perfectisboring.blogspot.com/ for their suggestions. Send me your mailing info via my email address for a notice of appreciation.
But the winner of my giveaway is:
Darla from morefamilyandflowers-darla.blogspot.com/
And your fantastic prize package includes the following:

1. A heart embelished tea towel to show my appreciation for your thoughtful answer.
2. A new notebook/journal which says "Too much of a good thing is wonderful!"
3. And a great Nova Scotia cookbook called The Strawberry Connection. I've had this same cookbook for over 10 years and I really love it. There are wonderful recipes, great sketches and bits of trivia relating to Nova Scotia and to strawberries. As well, you can substitute other berries for the strawberries in lots of the recipes.
A huge thank you to everyone who entered with their suggestions. It's such an honor to have people take the time to not only read my self-indulgent little blog but to also offer their comments. I appreciate all of my bloggie friends.
I'll be seeing you -- and reading you!
Saturday, August 22, 2009

I have to go to the city for the day! So because of Bill's arrival tomorrow, I've dragged all the heavy lawn furniture to a sheltered corner near the deck, and took all the lights, gnomes, bird houses, etc out of the flower gardens and tucked them in the shed. We have lots of food in the house, propane for the gas barbeque, extra drinking water and batteries. So, I guess I'm prepared. The rest is up to Mother Nature and Father God!
It's a Category 2 hurricane, but because of our beautiful hot, humid weather lately, it could upgrade! Juan, which hit Halifax HARD a couple of years ago, by-passed the south shore of NS. But I have to say, I'm feeling a little aprehensive about this one!
I'm prepared for the worse but hoping for the best. Pray that Bill will blow itself off to sea.
If you don't hear from me for a couple of days, it could be because of power outages. But I shall return as soon as possible with the name of the lucky winner of my 100th Post Give-away and a picture of his or her prize!
Stay safe, bloggies!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Even though I was really tired ...
Even though I ate alone ...
Even though it would have been so easy to order a pizza ...
I prepared a lovely dinner for myself last night.

Asian hot top salad (w/ chicken, yellow peppers, onions and mushrooms), 2 teeny pieces of 7 grain bread with real butter, and a glass of red Californian! It was delish!!!
Don't forget my giveaway at http://newfie-girl.blogspot.com/2009/08/give-away-time.html
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
So, while I spend my mornings and early afternoons preparing for 2 new international students to arrive (rearrange and organize and rest; lift and tote and rest; pant and sweat and rest) and drink ooodles of ice cold water -- my afternoons are spent with my friend Eva in this way ........................
This was interspersed with cool drinks and magazines in the shade; and followed by a nice, cold supper.
What a great reward for working hard!
Eva gets the last say: PEACE!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
They usually have one day of the week that they'll feature something on sale ("All Jeans $1.00"). As well, the sell according to the season -- summer clothes only in the summer, winter in winter, and so forth. With school due to start in 2 weeks, they've begun their end of summer sale.
So, when I dropped in a couple of days ago to look for pillow cases, ALL summer merchandise was $1.00. Here are my wonderful finds:

This shirt is St Johns Bay; I love the color!

These pants are also St Johns Bay. Now I'm a shortie (5'3" on a good day) and I'm a little rounder than I used to be. So, pants shopping can be a bit of a nightmare. But, as my Mom would say, these pants "fit me like a smack in the mouth!!"

Sunday, August 16, 2009
This is the Himilayan Jewel Weed -- And it's beautiful. It's a good 4 1/2 ft tall, and the pink blossoms look a little like a snapdragon. So pretty. I have to keep an eye on this one though because it's apt to take over the garden. But it looks beautiful as a backdrop to my ferns.

Brown-eyed Susans.

Here's my coneflower. I think I'll try to get several varieties for next year.

The Astilbe are beginning to wane. But I love their floaty/frothy look.

Friday, August 14, 2009
Here's the bike; I think it could seat 28 people and we had 25.

We all need to be conscious of glare while we're driving. So, our captain, Sherri, passed out the sunglasses.

The shorties sat in front so we could reach the pedals. Here are some of the people behind me getting themselves seated and adjusting their hand clappers.

And here is yours-truly! I carried a tamborine.
PS - This is only Post #95: there's 5 more to go until my 100th post and my big give-away. So, remember to enter your story here http://newfie-girl.blogspot.com/2009/08/give-away-time.html to win my super-duper, yet-to-be-decided prize.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I can hear some of you out there saying "Hey! That's not fair! Why can't we just send in our names?
Well, 'cause it's my blog and I want to be entertained.
Get over it people! Put your thinking caps on! Exercise those brain cells!

So, here's the contest. Knowing what you know about me (and you may have to re-read my previous blogs); if I had $100 in gratis pocket money, how would I spend it this weekend?

Would I be generous and share? Or would I be greedy?
Would I buy chocolate or plants? Or would I put it in my tithe envelope?
I expect more than just a mere 3 word answer. Dream a little! Create a picture for me! Expound! Make me think!
I've not decided what to give away as yet, but it'll be purdy nice!! Not $100 worth -- but more than 100 pennies or 100 dimes.
I'm looking forward to hearing your answers.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
This is my daughter Amy's good friend Desi. Desi is an amazing baker (and singer) and she operates a little business out of the back of her station wagon called "The Rolling Scone". She is the one who gives me my fix every Saturday with her wonderful chocolate buttermilk cupcakes with buttercream icing. See that pretty one on the top tier with the edible flower? I ate that one shortly after taking this picture. Yum yum!!

This lady next to her sells the most amazing selection of jams, jellies, chutneys, etc. I've purchased her Apricot with jalepeneo (so good on fresh bread with a slice of aged cheddar); and this weekend, I bought her Rhubarb with ginger (not sampled yet).

Here are a couple of other stalls: the first is a veggie stall and the second seafood.

This lovely lady bakes and sells doggie treats -- every shape and flavor and quirky little names on them (none of which I can remember right now, not having a doggie myself). I've seen the doggies stop for a sample though, and one woman said her dog, who doesn't like any of the commercial dog biscuits, just loves these!

Alas, this is not a candy stall (or I'd certainly have a more indepth report to bring). This is a craft stall with, as you can see, very pretty things.

This stall is run by an Austrian gentleman with one leg; and I don't mean to be disrespectful or in any way to mock this lovely man, but I can help it! Whenever I buy anything from him, all sorts of tragic and adventurous story lines pop up in my head while I'm talking to him -- him on his trusty steed galloping towards me through fields of green (all organic, of course!); me with my bodice heaving carrying a bouquet of wild lavender!!!

Here's my other favorite stall, Julian's Bakery. Julian is a French baker with a great selection of breads and pastry. I always try a different bread and at least one pastry (as a chaser to my cupcake)! This weekend, I bought his American sandwich loaf (a traditional white) and an apricot and custard square! Again yum yum!

Here's the lady I've been buying flowers from lately. She has a few new ones each weekend -- whatever is blooming at the time. But I averted my eyes this weekend and simply couldn't buy another (until I at least get the last 3 I purchased in the ground!!!).

And last but not least, this veggie stall is from Indian Garden Farms which is just up the hill outside town. I could go there and buy produce, but how much more fun is it to go to the market.

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Sorry! I thought I could return to a normal schedule. But my sense of 'normal' has changed. After the past 5 years of various ailm...
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