This is it bloggies! The moment I've been waiting for since last summer ...... VACATION!
My lovely friend and ex-SIL, Judy, and I are probably on the road as you read this, listening to oldies on the I-Pod, singing at the top of our lungs & sipping our Tim Horton's ice-caps! The sun will be shining and there won't be any yahoos on the road to get in our way! (Optimism in action there!)

We hit the road this morning, leaving Halifax at 7 AM; and we should reach Cape Breton Island between 11 and noon. We'll cut across CB at Hunter's Mountain (just outside Baddeck) to take the scenic Cabot Trail where we'll drive along the coastline past Margaree Harbour, the French village of Chetticamp, Ingonish Beach and St Ann's -- through the Cape Breton Highlands National Park and some of the most exquisite country on the planet. Look at those roads! We are pumped!!!

We are excitedly anticipating our overnight stay at Annfield House, a beautiful Victorian B&B in a little village not far from North Sydney. And tomorrow morning at approximately 11:30 AM, we leave North Sydney and travel across the Gulf of St Lawrence on the NL ferry, the Caribou.

The trip should take us about 6 hours. (Note the emphasis on the "should"; I've taken these ferries many, many times!!) We can nab a table and have numerous cups of tea, games of Skip-Bo and/or cribbage (and maybe even a cocktail in the lounge); OR we can nab a reclining chair in front of the movie screen and hope there's a decent movie scheduled. (But we shall try to avoid eating in the cafeteria because of the prices!)

Once we've finally disembarked at Port aux Basques, we have another 3 hr drive to Corner Brook where we will each collapse into the arms of loving family and allow them to cater to our every need --- for at least that first night!!
There'll be much to blog about when I return in 2 weeks!
Until then, as we say in Newfoundland -- "See ya, bys!"