I didn't want August to leave, but I hope that you don't all think that I don't like September or the approach of autumn. Not at all! I love the seasons and feel blessed that I get to experience all four of them (even if one does tend to linger a little longer than may be necessary).
And the month of September is full of great holidays and observances.
- Did you know that September is Awareness Month for Gynecology Cancer, Leukemia & Lymphoma, Ovarian Cancer, Prostate Cancer and Pediatric Cancer. Let's all make extra effort this month to pray for a cure.
- Tolkien Week is September 18-24. So, for those of you who live in comfy holes in the ground, eat more than one breakfast or have unusually hairy feet -- more cause to celebrate.
Me? I'll probably have an extra breakfast on Hobbit Day (the 22nd) and give some extra love to "My Precious'es".
- It's National Fruit and Veggie Month - A particularly tasty month as well as an easy one to celebrate with all the harvesting going on.
- It's also Healthy Aging Month (see above)
- And it's Women's Friendship Month. I love my gal-pals, you bloggie friends included. It would be a much sadder world without the support and love we give one another. Women are wonderful!
- Sept 1-10 is International Enthusiasm Week. I'm enthusiastic about the 3 beautiful girls who are living with me this year and about school starting today and the disciplines and routines being re-introduced to my lifestyle.
- Sept 4-10 is National Waffle Week; and although I didn't make waffles yesterday, I did celebrate Labour Day and my new students by making delicious pancakes with maple syrup, strawberry & peach sauce and whipped cream. A "labour" of love -- in the making and the eating!
- Sept 12-17 is Line Dance Week. Where have all the line dancers gone? And I don't mean John Travolta and Debra Winger. I know where they are; they're in line for orthotics and Geritol just like the rest of us. But what about the younger generation? You'd think by now they would have discovered the fun in line dancing. (And no; a group of you groin bumping in a row does NOT count as a line dance!)
- Sept 1st was also Chicken Boy's Day? Anyone know what that one is about 'cause I sure didn't celebrate. Who is Chicken Boy? Does it have anything to do with this little cutie?
- Sept 2nd was National Lazy Mom's Day -- not really a problem for me!
- Sept 7th is Salami Day: I will participate by making pizza for supper. I like that day!
- Please join me on the 9th for Wonderful Weirdoes Day. I love weirdoes -- well some weirdoes. I think uniqueness should be celebrated and practiced and applauded and encouraged. Being different is not always a bad thing!
- International Chocolate Day is the 13th -- again, not a problem for me!
- September also happens to be Fall Hat Month and the 15th is Felt Hat Day. Fall is the perfect time to begin wearing hats again; I like adorning my hats with different broaches and pins.
- I'm going to try not to participate in Big Whopper Liar Day on the 17th. (My dad, who tells a great story, will not have a problem celebrating!!!)
- National Respect Day is the 18th. Sing it, Aretha!
- Talk Like a Pirate Day is the 19th. Aaaarggg!
- Dear Diary Day is the 22nd. (I often but not always journal. I'll make sure I do that day.)
- And Love Note Day is the 23rd.
- But I bet you probably didn't know that Fish Amnesty Day is the 24th. Now, I need some explanation with that one as well. I try to keep up on current events, but I've never heard of any underwater political prisoners. Perhaps I'm just not herring all the news. Maybe I should tuna in to a different channel!
- National One-Hit Wonder Day is Sept 25th. I'll check out Edison Lighthouse (Love Grows Where My Rosemary Goes) on utube; but I'll probably give a miss to The Pepkins (Gimme dat ding).
- And finally, on the 30th, we can all Ask A Stupid Question without fear of reprisal. Mark it on your calendar! (Still, it leaves me wondering if October 1st could be Give a Sarcastic Answer day. You'd think, right?)
See what a fun month September can be. Enjoy!
I've been accused on several occasions of having unusually hairy hobbit toes. Normally I would deny this to the moon but in this case perhaps if it means second breakfast all round for a week straight I might concede to a few unruly hairs?
I'm with you Marguerite. I'm not shaving my toes at all this month!
Lots of fun reasons to celebrate September. It is usually a pretty month here. The leaves begin changing and nature gives us many beautiful scenes to behold. Hope your Tuesday is a terrific one. My trivia said it was Fight Procrastination Day today.
Well, I love them all and will try my best to celebrate them in the fashion to which they are named. On Fish Amnesty Day, I will open my can of tuna and set it free.
The Chicken Boy photo is adorable. He even has cheeks like Tweety!
I have dreamed about having hairy Hobbit feet. Does that count?
Your header is wonderful!
I'm pooped just reading about it - is there a day off day? teehee
Love your sense of humor.
Have visited you via Sweet Tea.
In this month you're not only going to age disgracefully, you may succumb with all the celebrations. Have fun .
Is it cosmic that I visited your blog for the first time on Wonderful Weirdoes Day?
Must tell you. . . the header on your blog made me like you immediately! :)
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