My room has been a jumble for quite a while lately. So, this weekend, I cleaned and organized and even got out my winter clothes; I weeded out things that I hadn't worn for a while, passed on the shoes and purses that (even though I love them) I know won't get the use that they deserve. I have so much.
Now ........... VOILA!
I can open the doors and easily see what's available. Hmmm? Do I feel like dressing in blue today? Do I need a pick-me-up with something bright and cheerful? Do I need to look ultra-business-like? Should I base my outfit around a certain pair of shoes?
Next to the closet I've hung the rest of my purses: I like to change up every now and then. Some purses feel luxurious and smell expensive (leather); some add a jolt of color and pizzazz (the red one at the bottom and the pink one at the top); some are practical for heavy-duty thrift shopping or market days (messenger).

And then there's my dressing table. Everything's clean and neat & tidy once again. My dressing table is next to my bed; so besides my cosmetics for putting my face on in the morning, I like to have some creams and body lotions handy for my night-time.

What about you guys: share with me some of your favorite lotions and creams, etc.
It feels so good to be organized. Don't know how long it'll stay this way, but clean, new starts give one such hope, don't ya think!
Good for you! Doesn't it feel good to be organized. I must try it sometime. I will put it in my ever increasing goal list.
Creams, gosh, I have way too many. Every time I see a commercial that promises me I will look 10 years younger, I buy it. I am very gullible, but hopeful.
Well done on organizing girl. You might inspire me. I like Burt's Bees too for lip gloss, and my fav hand and body lotion is Avalon Organics Sweet Orange and Bergamot (or the Lemon). Clean scent and not at all greasy. Have a great week.
Great organization, looks like you will be able to get dressed in a jiffy:)
Wow, it looks great! You sure have a lot of shoes and purses! I need to weed out my clothes and shoes too. I usually do in the spring and fall so I guess it's time. Enjoy the week!
I'm betting your challenge to the guys will go unanswered! They would probably have to ask their wives for this information.
I love me a clean closet - Way to go Girl!!
The last time I deep cleaned my closet a tornado blew through and I was so thankful I had purged lots of stuff since my daughter and I and our dog needed the floor space for shelter. We lost are roof but were safe and sound in my CLEAN closet!!
Oh wow! I am impressed. You really did get in there and organized everything so nice! I am mostly done with switching the season clothing around but am not at all organized like you are. Happy Fall!
wow, you are very organized..everything looks great. I LOVE organization too. I am a big believer of everything in it's place, and a place for everything.
(still trying to teach hubby that, tee,hee)
I love "products" like lotions, sprays, lip stuff yada yada yada....
makes us feel so good eh
and your photo on your header is hysterical...you are a lady who knows how to enjoy life.
I adore Olay's body lotion plus shimmer. Face I use Equate's to Neurogena's Healthy Skin in the day and my night cream is simply Extra Virgin Coconut oil.
Your closet is a sight to behold. So very organized! Great job!!!
Have a marvelous day sweetie!
God bless ya! :o)
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