Friday, October 10, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!

My birthday AND I get a long weekend!  Not many people can say that.  

There's buzz around me about cheesecakes at work? And a road trip tomorrow with cake and sunshine? And a weekend with festive foods and possibly a lot of lying around the living room with 2 sweet teens watching a Harry Potter TV marathon?

Well really, I'm an adult now.  So, any kind of celebrating can happen, right? As long as it's legal and in good taste!

AND next month, I get my first government CPP cheque; don't know how much, but it's payback time Revenue Canada!

How old am I?    


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy Birthday ! Hope you do have a wonderful weekend!

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Happy Birthday. Enjoy that extra money.

Jack Tyler said...

Legal and in good taste? Where's the fun in that? The happiest of birthdays to "18 with 42 years experience," from California's Oldest Teenager; many, many happy returns!

Jackie McGuinness said...

Happy Birthday from a fellow Canadian collecting her CPP for 2 years now!!

Linda H said...

Happy Birthday Sandy!! I hope you have a WONDERFUL birthday weekend! I do believe we are now the same age! I'm 16 with 44 years experience!! lol Love getting that cheque every month, mine isn't real big but I sure love gettin' it anyway....

Carmen Varner said...

Wishing you a happy birthday. Cheesecake sounds yummy right about now. :] // ☼ ☯


HAPPY BIRTHDAY. may you have MANY more. ENJOY!

Kathleen Grace said...

Happy Birthday! It sounds like you have a really great celebration planned :>)

Kay G. said...

Happy Birthday to you!
Did you say cheesecake? Save some for me!

Pamela Gordon said...

Happy 60th to you Sandy. Have a fun weekend celebrating. I passed that milestone a few years ago and just applied for that cheque. LOL It will be pocket change I'm sure! Blessings.

Goody said...

Happy Birthday!
Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you enjoy your Birthday and long weekend.


  Sorry! I thought I could return to a normal schedule. But my sense of 'normal' has changed. After the past 5 years of various ailm...