I've been gardening on the past 2 weekends and am almost finished with Phase 1 of my side garden. This is a long weekend in Canada, and traditionally, Victoria Day weekend is the beginning of gardening season here. The chance of frost is over and we can bring out the more delicate plants.

Welcome to the front entrance (and please excuse the steps -- they're on my list of "Things to Paint/Stain this Summer!"). I've begun my planters, but still have to finish my window box and fill in a few more planters that will be spread around the back deck and lawn.
I put in a small side garden last summer and, as you see in the pictures below, I've extended it. I had a small load of gravel brought in and used half of it for the garden path. I also added another small plot next to the brook.

The pic on the left was last weekend; the pic on the right, this weekend. I try to be a frugal gardener; so I use bits and pieces of what I have around the property or what I find at yard sales (
or by the side of the road). Hence the plastic lawn edging, rocks, logs, ceremic tiles, stepping stones, bits of asphalt, etc.). And I keep moving plants around as I get new/different ones; they don't seem to mind and it's all part of my learning and my own personal garden-growing process!

Isn't it amazing what difference a little weeding and mulch makes from one picture to the next! I used red dyed cedar mulch last year but found it too garish; this year, I bought brown. But alas, the jury is still out on my opinion of what color is best.
Here's a close-up of the plot by the side of the brook. Just out of sight at the bottom right of the picture I have a bench. I sat there today to make a list of what plants I want to finish my planters. It was overcast, but the brook was bubbling & birds were singing -- it was lovely!
Just for fun, here's a close-up of Mr Froggy (waiting for the False Sunflower to get large enough to hide under) and someone I'd like to be more like - my lounging garden gnome! Can you also see a fairy next to the tree watching the foxglove grow?
My wrists insist I take a break at least from the shovelling of gravel; so for the next week, I'll content myself with dreaming and planning. Now, I think it's time for a glass of wine and an wonderful bubble bath!