Another new month has dawned, clear, crisp and cold here in Nova Scotia.
You'd think that after the busyness of October and the upcoming excitement of December that November might be a dull month. But nuh uh! It's full of things to observe and/or give us thought.
Some serious like Pancreatic & Lung cancer awareness, Diabetes awareness and Altzheimer's Awareness.
And other's are more fun such as American Thanksgiving (Nov 24th) followed too quickly by Black Friday (the 25th). Is that one fun? I guess it's all in your perspective! I've never had the opportunity, but I think I'd enjoy it.
November is for Banana Pudding Lovers, Greens and Plantains (I can attest to the goodness & good taste of green smoothies!), Peanut Butter Lovers (I like it as a mid-morning snack at work on a ricecake), Plum and Pomegranate, Spinach and Squash, and Sweet Potato Awareness (baked with oodles of butter). As well, Nov 1-7th is National Fig week, Nov 2nd is Cookie Monster Day (hard deciding what kind to indulge in), the 3rd is Sandwich Day (that'll be a Subway day for me), the 7th is National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day (Duh! Any time, any day!)and the 17th is Homemade Bread Day (Question: Will she finally try out her yard sale bread machine?).
November is Military Family Appreciation Month. Having a brother who served in the Canadian Navy and friends who serve overseas, I know how much the family sacrifices. I am truly grateful for these brave men and women!
It's National Adoption Month; thank you Moms and Dads out there!
Nov 4-10th is National Nurse Practioner's Week; I'd like to send a big Hey Ya! out to my sweet little Nurse Practioner in training. "You go Girl! Mama loves you!"
Nov 7-13th is Dear Santa Letter Week. The picture will explain my approach this year in hoping to secure a fat present under my tree!
Nov 18-24th is National Bible Week -- one of my favorite books! And I know that whether you are a believer or not, God loves you and has only good things in mind for you. Here are a couple of nuggets of gold from the scriptures that are for all of us:
- "I'll never leave you nor forsake you". Hebrews 13:5
- "I have loved you with an everlasting love." Jeremiah 31:3
- Or read the Song of Solomon that is filled with God's love and passion for us.
- Or the Psalms that are full of encouragement and hope.
Nov 18-24th is National Family Week; which also coincides with National Game & Puzzle Week and Better Conversation Week. Give you any ideas?
Nov 1st is All Saints Day. But it's also Give up Your Shoulds Day: now, I'm not sure if that means give them up completely or get on with them? I think you should decide on that for yourself! It's also National Men Make Dinner Day; what am I supposed to do about that one?
Nov 3rd is Sadie Hawkins Day. Does anyone out there remember that day? I believe it originated from the Lil'Abner comic strip. During my high school days, we always held a Sadie Hawkins Dance; and the girls could invite the guys (something today's youth probably wouldn't understand at all!).
Sadie Hawkins Day also coincides with National Chicken Lady Day. (I suppose this would explain any women who are not brave enough to ask a man out!)Nov 8th is National Parents as Teachers Day. As an ex-home schooling Mom, I want to give a high five to those of you who are committed to teaching your children at home. This definately has to be something you feel called to do. It's hard work but sooo rewarding! But then as parents, we are teaching them everyday.
Nov 15th is I Love to Write Day; this is a must celebration day for all bloggers, so you have my wholehearted support and permission to pat yourself on the back that day (and perhaps treat yourself in some way).And a shout out to one of my favorite modern conveniences .....Nov 19th (2011) is National Toilet Day! Ain't plumbing great! No more throwing your nasties out the window to the street below! No more cold draft on your bottom visiting the john outdoors in the winter! No more crouching in the woods (unless you're berry picking, I guess)!
Nov 23rd and 24th are both Buy Nothing Day. This fits in well with my new financial dieting so I will be participating. Now, how many others out there have the courage to "Just say NO"?
We could spend the 23rd watching old reruns of Dr Who because that is Dr Who Day. (My favorite is Tom Baker; and I loved his Leela sidekick --- cause she really kicked butt! What a woman!)
Nov 25th is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. We should observe this every month, oui?
Nov 25th is Shopping Reminder Day. (Was that one created by a man 'cause I've never met a woman who needed reminding?)
And finally, there are a number of days I've grouped together that I feel are great in building our character and making us better people.
Nov 14th is Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day. Are there things in your life that are stressing you out (or those around you)? Adopt this rule to help you loosen and lighten up: Life is lumpy! Lump in your oatmeal; lump in your throat; lump in your breast .. which one?
Nov 17th is National Unfriend Day. There may be people in your life who are weighing you down and sucking the life out of you; let them go and let God take care of you. You'll be doing good to both yourself and them.
Nov 27th is National Day of Listening. I'm the kind of personality who likes to talk (did you notice?); so, I have to periodically remind myself to listen -- really listen. I learn so much when I listen.
And finally, after all that self-improvement (and the awareness and eating [and being grateful for toilets] and asking men out and strengthening the family and reminding ourselves to shop .. and then buying nothing etc etc), we need a day off! So, if you aren't a Chicken Lady (or man), why not participate in Nov 30th Stay Home Because You're Well Day.
Enjoy your November bloggies. I look forward to reading your wonderful posts.
PS - Thank you Pam for reminding me of Nov 11th - Remembrance Day. I should not have forgotten that one.