Friday, October 17, 2014

Slapping $635 on your face!

It's a miracle!  I can see!

I finally got real, adult, grown-up glasses and have had to put aside my 15 pairs of stylish magnifier glasses.

And even though these are grown-up glasses, don't expect me to grow-up.  I shall still take jumping pictures as often as possible, eat ice cream at every opportunity, dance in the aisles at the supermarket, and continue try to find someone who will let me get in the bouncy castle.

Tropical storm Gonzalo will affect Nova Scotia today as it heads up the coast towards Newfoundland:  wind and rain but nothing serious.  I'm hoping that all the leaves won't be blown off the trees as they are at their peak the past few days: the colors seem to glow! It sure would be nice to do one more drive with the girls with a possible stop for fresh apples and an "exotic" Frenchies store. 

My quest towards organization and clarity continues: every week I purge the house of something more.  Sunday will be a rain day, so there's another chance to be productive inside the house and (hopefully) cross an item off the list.

But while there's sunshine and color and boot 'n' scarf weather, I want to be productive outside -- fill my lungs with fresh October air; fill my eyes with amber and gold and crimson; fill my spirit with the magnificence of Autumn.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Jenn Jilks said...

These are cute! I know they are expensive, but I've worn glasses since gr. 4 and they make them much better than they used to!
I popped over from Kay's blog. Your post title intrigued me!
Also, you've had such weather out your way. It's a tough climate, but your folks are tough!
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Glasses are expensive. I'd like to get a new more fashionable style, but the budget doesn't include such things and the good news is that I can still see out of the old ones I have. Hope the storm doesn't affect you too badly and that you do get out and see the beauty all around you !


LOVE the glasses. They look nice. ENJOY!

Pamela Gordon said...

Your new glasses are very fun. I've worn glasses, off and on, since I was 13 and graduated to progressive lenses about 10 years ago. They never leave my face except when I go to bed or am in the shower. It's windy and rainy here today and the leaves are flying off everywhere. I hope you get out for a lovely drive.

Ginny Marie said...

Cute glasses! I've worn glasses for a long time, but only recently bought two pairs for the first time. I love switching my glasses for a new look!

Grace @ Sense and Simplicity said...

Your new glasses are cute. I find choosing glasses difficult and always rely on help from others.


  Sorry! I thought I could return to a normal schedule. But my sense of 'normal' has changed. After the past 5 years of various ailm...