Friday, October 24, 2014

Things that Make Me Happy .....

The things that make me particularly happy today are:

The wonderfully kind and supportive comments left on my last post. Light ALWAYS overcomes dark! And the hearts and hands of friends always helps.

Receiving a video of my gorgeous grandson walking! What a clever and beautiful boy he is. 

My delicious weekly latte treat from Lahave Bakery across the street. (And finding out that if I bring in a larger mug, I get a larger latte!)

A momentary lapse in the rain -- 2 days so far and a forecast of 3 more to come including today -- and a chance to inhale the freshness of the sea air outside my office door and see what is probably the last of the color on the trees and covering the street.

One of my favorite days is here again!

Have a wonderful weekend y'all!


Pamela Gordon said...

Your grandson is a handsome little guy. It's wonderful to see their achievements in life. The top of that latte is very pretty. I hope this rain ends soon and we've only had 2 days of it!


That latte is pretty impressive. Bet it tastes heavenly. Your grandson is one cute little boy.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Your grandson in the pumpkin patch is adorable. We've had a break from the rain here too and I agree it is wonderful. Hope you enjoy your weekend!

Grace @ Sense and Simplicity said...

Lovely things to start your weekend off right - love the latte (and the hopes for a larger latte) and the lovely leaves.

sabine ingerl said...

A fine cup of latte or cappuchino, colorful fall and family around me makes me happy too.
Have a wonderfull week too, dear Doris.


  Sorry! I thought I could return to a normal schedule. But my sense of 'normal' has changed. After the past 5 years of various ailm...