Friday, February 26, 2010

Where are You From?

Last week I was reading blogs, and I came across a wonderful post where the blogger told where she came from in a blog poem. It was so beautiful! I truly wish I had noted where I got this idea but I can't. Blame it on my bad memory or hormones or aging. If you are the person that blogged about this, please let me know so I can give credit where credit is due.
It inspired me so much that I came up with my version of "Where are you From". I hope you enjoy and I hope you'll do your own version!


  • I am from a proud outcrop of rock, thrust at the mouth of the Gulf; the sound of sea gulls, the smell of dried and salted fish, harsh winters and short summers.
  • I am from the heart of God which was felt in me as a child, even though I didn't even know Him yet.

  • I am from Saturday morning movies in black and white; from Bonanza, Ed Sullivan, Pig and Whistle and The Tommy Hunter Show.
  • From 5 cent bags of chips and 10 cent Cokes; from hopscotch and Tiddly Winks played in the middle of the dirt road, from marbles at recess time, and from CGIT every Friday night.
  • From Nancy Drew and the Bobbsie Twins; from transister radios hidden under the covers; and from 3 girl in one room.


I am from mom at home, from fresh bread and baked cookies; and from Saturday night baths.
  • I am from mini-skirts, bell bottoms, hot pants and suede jackets with a fringe ordered from the Eatons catalogue
  • From The Beatles, the Mamas and the Papas, the Guess Who and Petula Clark
  • "I've looked at clouds from both sides now" and "I am woman, hear me roar!"
  • *
    • I am from the beginning of the sexual revolution and the explosion of the drug culture
    • I am from the sorrow of presidents and "dreamers" gunned down
    • And the triumph of man's first walk on the moon.


    • I am from falling down and getting back up, over and over and over again;
    • From mistakes that affect more than me
    • And forgiveness undeserved and gratefully received


    • I am from the sadness of my broken marriage -- and the happiness of our blessedly restored relationship;
    • I am from being a mother and a daughter, a parent and a child.
    • An employee and a singer and a reader and a cook.
    • I am from writing and thrifting and decorating and gardening.
    • I am a lover of life ..... and a bona fide nutcase!

    • I am from rooms full of color and shelves full of memory
      I am from laughter and fellowship and love and generosity
    • I am from open arms for new children; and hands that wipe the tears at their farewell
    • I am from enjoyment of every season, but elation at the first crocus of spring.

    • I am from aches and pains, and flashes and rashes
    • I am from a constant place of learning as I try to rest in Him
    • From being laid back instead of always active
    • From acceptance of who I am on a daily basis and from working to allow others to be who they are
    • I am from Christ's very being and likeness
    • I am from a daily death and resurrection; from faith and hope
    • I am from eager anticipation and gratitude of what each day has
    • And from another home to go to when I'm quit of this earth.


    A human kind of human said...

    This is beautifully written. It is clear that we are from many same places, only from different continents. Thanks for the memories... and for your rich spirit.

    Vonlipi said...

    That is just lovely! Very poetic and well written!

    Thanks for sharing ;)

    I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

    I love what you wrote about the pieces of you that tell so much. I am from a lot of the same places too, but have a few of my own unique ones as I am a bit older than you. Hope your Friday is fantastic! I'm at work and the snow is blowing here once again

    Suburban Princess said...

    I was in CGIT too!

    Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

    Surburban Princess: I've never come across anyone else who's ever heard of CGIT -- Canadian Girls in Training (like Girl Guides). OR as we girls used to say "Cutest Girls in Town"!

    Anything Fits A Naked Man said...

    Wow! I'd like to try to tell you where I'm from, but I don't think I could put it as beautifully as you have here about yourself!! Really well done!

    Linda @ A La Carte said...

    Thank you for sharing this. It is beautiful and I find so much of where you came from the same as where I came from.

    Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

    That was beautiful! Love it.
    I love the picture of you!

    Maureen said...

    I love your post Doris. Just beautiful.

    Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

    Very beautifully and eloquently written. Ahhh, Nancy Drew and the Bobbsie Twins oh where have they gone? Thanks so much for sharin' this with us, we share so much and I feel I know you better now. :o)

    God bless and have a fun relaxin' weekend!!!

    Jackie McGuinness said...

    Oh my! You reminded me of so many things! Pig and Whistle, Eaton's, Anne of Green Gables,Nancy Drew, bell bottoms, mini skirts!
    And yes, I AM Canadian!

    Unknown said...

    We come from some of the same places; I think I read every Nancy Drew, Bobsey Twins, and Hardy Boys books ever written!
    That was pretty neat! Well done!

    Gail said...

    Wow, I am from the same place, almost. We share many things.

    So artfully said, it was a pure joy to read this.

    lisa said...

    Lovely, as you are.

    wendy said...

    I LOVED this post.
    Other then the sea, seagulls and all that east coast stuff
    I felt Like I was readiing MY life story
    we are from the same generation
    the same experiences

    so awesome

    Delena said...

    Perfect! I am going to try and do one of these posts too. I relate to Nancy Drew. I read all those books too. Also, I was in CGIT being Canadian and all.

    Grandma Yellow Hair said...

    This is so great. I love the way its written.
    So glad I came by here tonight
    Thanks for sharing this


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