Monday, January 10, 2011

Just say NO to New Year's Resolutions

I don't make New Year's Resolutions. I don't know about you, but I find it really difficult to wake up on January 1st and suddenly become a different person from the one I was the night before. Besides guys; we're just getting over Christmas. Isn't it enough that we've just had to say goodbye to family members and/or dear friends for another year then jump right into an all out un-decorating/de-cluttering frenzy while at the same time trying to come off a ginormous sugar-high or a week-long hangover? That's a lot of pressure to put on ourselves, people!
It's not that I don't need to change -- and pronto! Sure -- just like some others of you out there, I ate several kilos of chocolate, a vat or two of wine, and I didn't always tell the kids about the chips 'n' dip. And yes, I also have a little evil twin that sits on my shoulder and calls me things like "Mme Porkchop", "Lard Arse" and "Greedy Guts".

But give it all up! -- just like that! --- the moment I crawl out of bed on Jan 1st!
Can't do it! Won't do it! I tried in the past, and after 56 years of personal experience I can honestly tell you that it doesn't work for me. The only cold turkey that I have anything to do with these days is that presently sitting on my abs and thighs!
So, I gave up making New Year's Resolutions many, many years ago. Actually, it wasn't that I "gave up" making them as much as I realized that change for the better is something that I can try at any time. And because I'm an expert on falling off the wagon, I know it's okay for me to "try, try again"! God is patient with us, people; we should do the same for us.
Today I came across a post which just reinforces these feelings. I was reading fellow blogger Tish Jett at A Femme d'Un Certain Age and here's what her post said:
Psychoanalyst Valérie Blanco is against New Year's resolution lists. She believes it puts too much pressure on us and sets us up for failure and disappointment -- and we all know the results of those feelings. She suggests instead, a list of, not the promises to myself "I should do," but rather "what I would like to do; what would make me happy."

If you won't listen to me, people, for goodness sake, listen to the expert. We need a happy list; a set of good-for-you goals! And we need to be kind to ourselves, give ourselves time to achieve them and forgive ourselves if we fall.

When I think about what makes me happy, chocolate and red wine are on the list. But because over-indulgence doesn't make me happy, moderation and temperance are in brackets. Exercise makes me happy because it gives me energy and takes away my aches and pains. Organization and letting-in-all-go must be balanced; and showing the people I care about that I love them makes me happy.
I've found the perfect poster. This pretty well encompasses all of my happy goals:


NanaDiana said...

I'm with you- My New Year's Resolution was to not make any more New Year's Resolutions...cuz I beat myself up too badly when I fail! Thanks for the confirmation! xxoo Diana

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

My goals for the New year are to have more Peace, Love, Joy and Hope in my life. I agree goals are better than resolutions.

wendy said...

Now that is a graph I can relate to. I don't do resolutions either.
I just look at the potential of the year ahead........and see what I can do to make it a little better,
for ME
and those around ME
baby steps or I crash and burn

Blondee said...

I don't do them, either. If I'm going to become inspired to incorporate change, I'm going to do it when I *get* that inspiration. Not when the calendar says to. Not to mention, who on Earth wants to begin anything new hung over? lol

Tonia said...

I agree!!! no Resolutions for me!!

Unknown said...

I haven't made a conscious resolution to stop eating so much chocolate, but other than 2 cups of cocoa, I have had no chocolate since last Monday. (and I was good for 2 or 3 bags of Hersey kisses or some other kind of chocolate per week.)

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Sandy that is great! I loved the last goals.
Not die!

I'm with ya!

tattytiara said...

Yes, that should hang on every wall.

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Whooopeee! I am SO with you on this one. Yep, I haven't achieved a single goal set for the new year... Doesn't happen. Why frustrate myself. Usually by January second I realize that I've failed.

Loved your post!



  Sorry! I thought I could return to a normal schedule. But my sense of 'normal' has changed. After the past 5 years of various ailm...