I don't make New Year's Resolutions. I don't know about you, but I find it really difficult to wake up on January 1st and suddenly become a different person from the one I was the night before. Besides guys; we're just getting over Christmas. Isn't it enough that we've just had to say goodbye to family members and/or dear friends for another year then jump right into an all out un-decorating/de-cluttering frenzy while at the same time trying to come off a ginormous sugar-high or a week-long hangover? That's a lot of pressure to put on ourselves, people!
It's not that I don't need to change -- and pronto! Sure -- just like some others of you out there, I ate several kilos of chocolate, a vat or two of wine, and I didn't always tell the kids about the chips 'n' dip. And yes, I also have a little evil twin that sits on my shoulder and calls me things like "Mme Porkchop", "Lard Arse" and "Greedy Guts".
But give it all up! -- just like that! --- the moment I crawl out of bed on Jan 1st!
Can't do it! Won't do it! I tried in the past, and after 56 years of personal experience I can honestly tell you that it doesn't work for me. The only cold turkey that I have anything to do with these days is that presently sitting on my abs and thighs!
So, I gave up making New Year's Resolutions many, many years ago. Actually, it wasn't that I "gave up" making them as much as I realized that change for the better is something that I can try at any time. And because I'm an expert on falling off the wagon, I know it's okay for me to "try, try again"! God is patient with us, people; we should do the same for us.
Today I came across a post which just reinforces these feelings. I was reading fellow blogger Tish Jett at A Femme d'Un Certain Age and here's what her post said:
Psychoanalyst Valérie Blanco is against New Year's resolution lists. She believes it puts too much pressure on us and sets us up for failure and disappointment -- and we all know the results of those feelings. She suggests instead, a list of, not the promises to myself "I should do," but rather "what I would like to do; what would make me happy."
Psychoanalyst Valérie Blanco is against New Year's resolution lists. She believes it puts too much pressure on us and sets us up for failure and disappointment -- and we all know the results of those feelings. She suggests instead, a list of, not the promises to myself "I should do," but rather "what I would like to do; what would make me happy."
If you won't listen to me, people, for goodness sake, listen to the expert. We need a happy list; a set of good-for-you goals! And we need to be kind to ourselves, give ourselves time to achieve them and forgive ourselves if we fall.
When I think about what makes me happy, chocolate and red wine are on the list. But because over-indulgence doesn't make me happy, moderation and temperance are in brackets. Exercise makes me happy because it gives me energy and takes away my aches and pains. Organization and letting-in-all-go must be balanced; and showing the people I care about that I love them makes me happy.
I've found the perfect poster. This pretty well encompasses all of my happy goals:
I'm with you- My New Year's Resolution was to not make any more New Year's Resolutions...cuz I beat myself up too badly when I fail! Thanks for the confirmation! xxoo Diana
My goals for the New year are to have more Peace, Love, Joy and Hope in my life. I agree goals are better than resolutions.
Now that is a graph I can relate to. I don't do resolutions either.
I just look at the potential of the year ahead........and see what I can do to make it a little better,
for ME
and those around ME
baby steps or I crash and burn
I don't do them, either. If I'm going to become inspired to incorporate change, I'm going to do it when I *get* that inspiration. Not when the calendar says to. Not to mention, who on Earth wants to begin anything new hung over? lol
I agree!!! no Resolutions for me!!
I haven't made a conscious resolution to stop eating so much chocolate, but other than 2 cups of cocoa, I have had no chocolate since last Monday. (and I was good for 2 or 3 bags of Hersey kisses or some other kind of chocolate per week.)
Sandy that is great! I loved the last goals.
Not die!
I'm with ya!
Yes, that should hang on every wall.
Whooopeee! I am SO with you on this one. Yep, I haven't achieved a single goal set for the new year... Doesn't happen. Why frustrate myself. Usually by January second I realize that I've failed.
Loved your post!
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