Henri Matisse
In spite of the weather and seeing this when you look out your window...

Chin up ... and think floral today, my friends!
A journey of exploration and discovery of who I am becoming during the aging process. A great big bang-up HURRAH! that I'm alive. A lot of talk about sundry and miscellaneous stuff & nonsense that may or may not have relevance; they may not even make sense (remember, I'm menopausal!). But I'm hoping they'll be fun.
Sorry! I thought I could return to a normal schedule. But my sense of 'normal' has changed. After the past 5 years of various ailm...
Love that Matisse quotation! It's very true.
Try to stay warm!!
This post made me happy.
I hope I can hang on for another 40-50 days.
I am soooo ready for flowers and summer and WARM!
It is getting close and I'm thinking Spring!
Thank you!!! I'm clickin' my ruby slippers right now sayin',"there's no place like spring...there's no place like spring" while dreamin' of those beautiful colors ya talk about.
Right now all we have is ice, snow and more snow. It's just not lettin' up on us this year in southern Missouri!!!
God bless and have a glorious week sweetie!!1
BTW? Hows the foot doin'???
You're absolutely right! Once January is behind us, life starts looking up!
We have that same view today. The system that was supposed to give us a 'dusting' left 3" on my lawn. It came down in such big beautiful fat flakes, that the grass was white within about 15 minutes. And another due Wednesday!
Spring, come ON!!!!!
Your post made lots of people happy today. I hope you stay warm and dry till it really does appear. Have a wonderful evening. Blessings...Mary
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