Here she is; my very first poppy! Ain't she purdy! When I lived in the country, my elderly neighbor had a wonderful garden and a huge patch of purple Iris' with these poppies in the front. Gorgeous! I have 2 poppies and in 3 years, this is the first bloom. I'm a proud Mama!
It's Friday! And before we get started on the weekend, we'll join Tootsie and friends for Fertilizer Friday.
First of all, I'll ask you to excuse my pictures. I must be shaking with excitement over all my plants growing because most of my pictures are blurry. Also, Blogger is turning my photos sideways! But as a wise, talented man once said: "A rose by any other position, will look as sweet" (or something similar to that).
Speaking of roses, this is one of my 3 - 99 cents rose bushes -- full of buds bursting with excitement as well in anticipation of blooming..
The Mountain Bluettes are still (excitedly) blooming this week..
Herman's Pride' (Lamiastrum galeobdolon) is also full of little blooms..
These little pinks (I believe they're from the Dianthus family?) are popping up all over the place. The pale pink bloom against the dusty sage green foliage is so pretty..
And the Sweet Williams (which is from the Dianthus family) is very striking. The color of my Sweet William is always beautiful; but my plants are very "leggy". Anyone have any ideas on what I should do?
Here's 1 of 2 new yellow Iris' that I bought last weekend at a roadside stand. The proof of her gardening prowess was there for me to see, so I didn't mind paying the $4 each for them. They'll get planted this afternoon..
At the end of the driveway, these pansies are looking very pretty. (I hope they reseed themselves!)

And here are a couple of clumps of Day Lilies from my Mum Brown trip that I ran out of room and energy to plant anywhere. I shoved them in pots with some new soil -- and look at them go! Much to my delight, they'll be blooming soon.

Plants really do just want to grow, don't they!
The weather sounds nice today, and the rain will begin again tomorrow! So, you'll find me in the garden this afternoon -- in the swing reading the rest of my wonderful paperback (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo).
Very nice blooms...love the poppy. Pinks, sweet william and the like are all dianthus.
Your garden is beautiful:)
Everything is blooming so beautifully...but oh that Poppy! I love them, but they don't seem to want to grow here. I love their tissue paper type petals, SOOOO delightful! :) Thanks for making me smile today.
Wow, beautiful! I'm so lazy - I never take pics of my yard, and I should!!
Pretty. I especially like the iris!
hi...just signed up to follow you! i LOVE nova scotia. we have traveled there often and i would love to return soon!
The Poppy is Gorgeous!and your Garden is so pretty and full of blooms :) Enjoy them and your weekend!
I loved that book! He has a new one out that I'm looking forward to buying. I grew sweet william years ago and it seemed move a lot because it reseeded itself. So one year it would be here and next year about a foot south :) Beautiful colors
They are sooooo beautiful. I love the colors!
You are a very greenthumb person.
I'm about to be reading the same book!!!! I loaned it to a friend since I have 2 started already...I love all the pics of your purdy flowers and hope they continue to grow enthusiastically! Hope you get quality reading time...the swing sounds lovely...
I have that color Poppy, too, and love it. Maybe the Dianthus needs to be trimmed back. My growing season is so short, I sometimes hate to prune, but it seems to make for a healthier plant.
What a fun bunch of bolloms you have ! I do love the poppy - thanks for sharing, Paula in Idaho
Beautiful! I have never had luck growing poppies but I am certainly a huge admirer of them. I am envious of all your gorgeous blooms.
The poppy is gorgeous! I tried two years straight to get some started from a friend. Unsuccessfully, I might add. Yours is really gorgeous!
So many beautiful blooms! I agree with you about those delicate pinks accenting the green....
Nice flowers...I would love to have some of those at my place...
BTW...the camera was just focusing on the background instead of the bloom...try again, it'll work with a little adjustment...
thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I'm really looking forward to the hollyhocks blooming... I remember seeing them in the neighborhood when I was growing up. I think they're perennials too, unless I'm just deceived and they reseed themselves.?
so that is what they are called!!! Herman's Pride!!!! I have some and don't know what they are...just that they grow nicely for me!!! Love it! thanks!
your flaunt this week is wonderful...all looks so healthy and pretty!
thank you for linking in this week!!! see you again soon I hope!
Very nice blooms.
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