Aloha friends! Back to work today after having a week off.
It was a working vacation while I toiled over my decks. The cleaning took a day & the drying 2 more (1 of which was spent mostly in the hammock with my book and lots of ice tea). I'm relieved to say that the large deck is completed and drying; I used a torquoise stain (which looks lovely on my skin tone -- well, kind-of all over my skin tone!). The 2 smaller ones still have to be stained (a different color perhaps?).
In the meantime, it's Thrifty Thursday; and it's about time that I showed you the treasures I bought at Value Village on June 29th.
This super-duper find is for my eldest daughter Cindy in Newfoundland; she has a longtime love affair with purple; and although you can't really see the color , these are three very pretty purple bowls [ Would I lie to you?]- purchased for $5.99.
This super-duper find is for my eldest daughter Cindy in Newfoundland; she has a longtime love affair with purple; and although you can't really see the color , these are three very pretty purple bowls [ Would I lie to you?]- purchased for $5.99.

I then found 3 beautiful tops for myself:
And this gorgeous linen blend for $9.99


And this gorgeous linen blend for $9.99

These items totalled $30.96; and my coupon for the month of June was "Spend $30 or more and get $10 off!" So, I spent $20.96 + 13% HST = $23.68.
Some people say that Value Village is too expensive. But I gotta tell you,
I still love that store!
Hmmm? What to do with those savings?
I know! Let's go to Homesense ......................
This New York mug (which is just like my Paris mug I bought last time) is on sale this week for $3. AND next to it is a china travel mug for $5.99!

I wonder what other bargains were found lately. Head on over to Thrifty Thursday at Bloggeritaville to find out.
I love the coffee mugs and they should go really well with your new skin tone! I wish I had a deck to stain...maybe in a couple years. When you get a chance, come over to my blog-I have something for you!
Those shirts you found are so pretty! I wish we had a Value Village coupon here. Some stores do but not in Atlanta. Love the New York mug.
I think your value village is wonderful I wish we had one here. You are such a great shopper.
I especially like the tops you found! great deals!
Great finds! Hey, how is the new book you're reading? I need to start a new one but nothing had captured my eye...
I think you did great on the prices!
Hello! I love the sound of a day spent reading in a hammock - sounds like a day well spent to me. And I also love thrifting - the glass bowls are lovely. Looks like you got some nice bargains there!
I think next time there is havy yard work to do I will volunteer to be a drying time supervisor.
Of course I'll have to hang my own hammock...
Those purple dishes are wonderful. A real find.
With the coupon svings I think you did great. Love the turquoise linen.
Darling finds! Once again you ROCK!
Even all stained up like a Smurf you are the Queen when it comes to shoppin'! I'm not suppose to be doin' anything 'till I heal up but today I'm bloggin' under the radar! Shhhh...we won't tell...will we? I just miss ya'll so much and feel like I'm loosin' my summer and my followers to these dang stinkin' shingles. I WILL beat 'em!
God bless you girl...I've been prayin' for you and your health.
Some great thrifty finds! I love the mugs!
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