I've noticed 2 things about my garden this summer: none of the Brown-eyed Susans that I planted last year (3 of them) came back (boohoo!); nor did my yellow Correopsis that had been there for 2 years. I thought those plants were pretty hardy?
The garden is mostly doing well; there are some plants in some spots that seem to be eaten by something small. And then there are the larger pests such as the deer and rabbits. Oh well, you take your chances don't you! .
The Hosta and the Day Lilies are blooming all over the property. The small bed at the foot of the front entrance has been enhanced temporarily with the addition of the flower box and pots from the decks.

More Shasta Daisies have come up than I remember planting. (Can Brown-eyed Susans morph into Shasta Daisies during the winter??)

My Mum Brown garden has these mystery yellow flowers which I think are Correopsis. And there are lovely, feathery Astilbe in that garden as well.

The back shade bed is beginning to look really nice. Lots of orange and yellow Day lilies there.

Spectacular yellow ones in the front bed.

Along with this little white Asiatic lily that I rescued from the Lily Beetle (but as you can see, not without a fight!) -- and it's the first time this one has ever bloomed.

The bright pink of the Impatiens looks quite stunning next to the dark, shiny green of the Periwinkle leaves.
The bright pink of the Impatiens looks quite stunning next to the dark, shiny green of the Periwinkle leaves.

And there's lots of bright yellow everywhere: from the prolific Evening Primrose ...

to the beginning few blooms of the Potentilla; and the sweet Sedum.

In spite of being busy and ignoring the garden, it continues without me.
Now, join me for Fertilizer Friday at Tootsie's blog. And later, if the sun shines, you'll find me staining.
Happy weekend!
Happy gardening. Overall, Your plants are doing well and look beautiful.
Your flowers are ALL breathtaking!
I can almost smell them from here!
Everything is looking good. A lot plants do make out just fine when we leave them alone for a bit. The lilies -vs- beetles situation is not one of them though! They can decimate the whole plant in o n time. Buggers.
Your garden is thriving and you grow a lot of the same flowers that I grow.
I love your flowers; they're so pretty and you have a variety of color. Yes, TGIF!!!!
The astilbe are so pretty. The shasta daisies are pretty and so are your daylilies. Glad I could visit today!
Looks great, if you find a cure for the pests please share it! Have a nice weekend :@)
The beetle eating your lillies is probably a Japanese Beetle. I found one on my lillies this morning. They're a pest beyond all comprehension. They eat everything and then some!
Your garden is coming along beautifully. You must be doing something right! LOL!
Have a terrific weekend!
Your plants are beautiful sweetie. I had some Brown-eyed Susans come up the other side of the pool filter this year. Thick and gorgeous....I don't have any clue where they came from or how they got there. Heeehehe! This year I did not movin' or transplanting because I was just too sick so whatever came up grew right where it is. Funny, I'm always so darn picky but I love the look.
God bless and have yourself an excellent weekend my friend!!!
wow! lots of pretty colors. Everything looks so healthy too. Never heard of black eyed susans turning into daisies over the winter :) never know though
Gosh, your garden looks absolutely lovely. I've killed 2 petunia potted plants and a tomato bush thus far. I mean, seriously, who can KILL PETUNIAS? Thank goodness for your pretty pictures, and keep up the good work!
It is gorgeous...all of them are gorgeous individually and they look beautiful together.
I rue the day that the red lily leaf beetle makes it to this area.... it seems like there are so many things almost at our doorstep, including gypsy moths, emerald ash borer, and japanese beetles. Do you hand pick the beetles or are there other things that can be done? Larry
I'd love to take a walk with you through your garden and have you introduce me to all your lovely plants there.
We just bought a green house that we hope to have fun with.
I am trying to find/discover/learn a green thumb.
girl...you have been holding out on me!!! I loved your post today...I have that cracked ball thing on the stick in my garden too!!! (ornament thing...does yours light up and change colors like mine?)
I often ask myself if things morph into weeds...haha...but at least the daisys are pretty!!
love the garden...glad you shared...hope you will again soon my friend! Have a safe and happy weekend.
It's looking more beautiful all the time! I especially love the shade garden.
I love the Daylilies! The slugs have barely let any bloom here. I need to find a spot for some Shasta Daisies, they always look so cheerful.
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