I'm joining Tootsie Time for Fertilizer Friday. Be sure to go see her and the other participants' lovely gardens and blooms.
This is the time of year when the plant centres at the the big box stores begin marking down their prices. I went to my local Atlantic Superstore for bananas & lettuce; and I just happened to notice things were looking pretty sad on their plant shelves. Most plants didn't have markers to identify them and they were all brown and pretty dried out.
But we know how resilient plants are. And at 60% off!!! How can a gardener turn her back on sad, tired little neglected baby plants when she knows that they just need to be planted in some nice loamie soil and given a little love. And then to see them left all alone in a corner with no name to call themselves!
Well, I knew what to call them -- I shall call them "Love"!
(I shall also call them "There goes my weekend!". Another one is "Where the heck will I plant you?" And then there's "I don't really have time for this crap!" As well as "What kind of a nut-case are you, Sandy!" And so on and so on and so on. Yes, there are many names to my new babies! )
Here are my newest additions -- as yet not IN the garden but placed NEAR the garden.
Here are my newest additions -- as yet not IN the garden but placed NEAR the garden.
Despite the non-reappearance this summer of my 2 yr old Coreopsis, I'm going to try again. I have 2 pots here -- a pretty yellow and the slightly larger bloom with the pretty red center. These were $2.34 each.

These 4 pots were again $2.34 each. Beginning at the front and going counter-clockwise, we have: lavender (Whose name is also "Let's hope I find a good sunny spot for you because you sure smell like it wants to grow here!), Pink Yarrow (always wanted some), Fleece Flower and Garden Phlox.
These 4 pots were again $2.34 each. Beginning at the front and going counter-clockwise, we have: lavender (Whose name is also "Let's hope I find a good sunny spot for you because you sure smell like it wants to grow here!), Pink Yarrow (always wanted some), Fleece Flower and Garden Phlox.

These little fellows were $1.94 each. Beginning with the large leaves in the centre and moving counter-clockwise, we have: Heartleaf Bergenia, Prunella Self-Heal, Wall Crest and 2 pots of Mallow, a white and a pink.
These little fellows were $1.94 each. Beginning with the large leaves in the centre and moving counter-clockwise, we have: Heartleaf Bergenia, Prunella Self-Heal, Wall Crest and 2 pots of Mallow, a white and a pink.

This is, I believe, a Nicotina plant ($2.34), something else which has been on my plant list.
This is, I believe, a Nicotina plant ($2.34), something else which has been on my plant list.

And this is an unknown plant (which is, I'm sure, on my plant list!) I mean, doesn't it look like it will be a lovely plant? The now-dead blooms look like they were really nice!

I don't think it's a Liatris. Just what is it?
Still, this is a non-denominational garden where plants of all sizes, color and creed are welcomed into the family and loved (almost) equally!
I love the little plants! I would so have bought them also. I am probably going to have a few more plants before summer is over.
Those little leafy babies are gonna thrive in their new homes, what a great adoptive mommy you are! Happy nurturing!
Yes, you will be busy for sure. I hope they all appreciate the TLC you'll be giving them and grow nicely for you
I love the garden centre discounts. The plants are so leggy and pot-bound now, but if they're tough perennials, they'll be looking grand in your garden this time next year. I used to work in a garden centre at Loblaws and I brought many cast-offs home for next to nothing. Our garden is almost like a thrifted garden in that sense.
Nice to hear you're doing so well and having fun in the garden.
Erin (Not any of the Genevas - LOL)
My plants have not been doing all that well this year because we have not had enough day of WARM SUNSHINE.
cloudy and rain
Great plant picks! I too have a diverse garden. Don't know your mystery plant, does favor liatris though.
I love your nondenominational garden.
I can't get over all of your plants.
Do you talk to them?
Awwwww, and such cute needy little orphans. I'm positive they've found a great home where they can put down some roots and blossom!
Your just like me, bet ya said, "I can take this home and bring it out of it's funk." I can sooo relate to this.
The best of luck to your new love. Ya'll have a splendid day my friend!!!
I picked up some perennials about a week ago too - they are still sitting there waiting to be planted, while I deal with the weeds :-P I'm with the "What were you thinking" and "Where will you find the time" shades of thought!
They all look great though and congrats on the bargains! I love yarrow - one thing I can't kill.
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