In mid June, I entered and won a giveway hosted
by Barbara at if i didn't have a sense of humor. She has a hilarious blog - one of my favorites - where she takes old magazine advertisements and put a modern spin on them. Check her out; you won't be disappointed.
I was pretty happy about winning. You see, I have a yellow kitchen full of yellow dishes, fry pans, kettles towels, etc. And THIS was the giveaway that I won ..

... three beautiful yellow planters.
I think the smallest planter is the only one that I can salvage. If you look closely at the left corner, you can see where it's broken; but I can glue the pieces back into place. And I'm happy that I can do that.
I think the smallest planter is the only one that I can salvage. If you look closely at the left corner, you can see where it's broken; but I can glue the pieces back into place. And I'm happy that I can do that.

Barbara also added a couple of surprise items that arrived in one piece.
But I've since broken them!!!
And now ...
some of the pieces are missing so they cannot be put back together!
And they were in my favorite color too ........................

(You know; I think some things were meant to be broken!)
Thank you Barbara. I shall enjoy my gifts!
Oh no I hate it when things arrive broken. So sad and especially when you love something!
Chocolate was definitely meant to be broken! lol
I am so sorry! Maybe one of us will see a replacement at a yard sale or a back corner of flea market.
Oh what a pity! Luckily you had some chocolate to console you.
Congratulations! Those are beautiful.
I am excited to see what you do with them.
Sorry about the broken glass thing, but not the broken chocolate thing.
Knowin' ya, you'll probably do something very creative and excitin' with the broken pieces. Congrats, on your win and go ahead, break come chocolate for me too sister!
Have a great week girl!!!
Ugg, you get your hopes up, and then. Drats! Those were cute planters. But you are still a winner!
xo, juls
I will replace the planters as soon as I can get them!!
I hate the mail system!! I've never had anything arrive broken, this is a first!!
Bummer about broken planters which I liked a lot. They would go well in my kitchen, too - also, the chocolate (which I assume is now totally gone...)!
Oh what a shame they arrived broken, but at least it doesn't matter if chocolate gets cracked open!
Ahhhhh that's too bad they were broken - and in your favorite color too. Thank goodness for chocolate. Kind of like chicken soup in 'makes everything better' department. ;-)
So sorry the planters arrived broken, but the chocolate must have helped...
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment.
Have a great day!
What a terrific attitude you have about a broken gift! Since I now work at the priority mail center of the post office, I see every day how many packages are bound to be broken - from badly packaged to - I hate to say it - rough treatment by employees. I cringe every time I go to place a box into a container with a "fragile" package already in it - and that fragile package is dented or bent or crushed. And enevelopes with "XRays - DO NOT BEND!" on them - bent, of course.
But you are so creative, you'll find some fabulous use for your broken pieces...and that chocolate will certainly help!
Oh, I've had that happen! One time, I did not have to return the broken pieces, so I used them to make a mosaic bird bath...made me feel a little better at least. Our beloved priest and his wife are in their native Canada for several months this summer outside of Lunenberg on a much needed time away - but we are missing them. Some day, we'll get up there to experience NS. Love your blog. Come by More Entertaning Women sometime. Blessings!
Hi Doris, thanks for dropping by my blog! Come by anytime. Enjoyed reading yours today!!!
...bummer...they were a pretty shade of yellow! i love yellow too...so cheery and happy...
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