Back in the late 70's when I was a young 20 something, I worked as a secretary with an office full of young biologists at a place called MacLaren Marex. We often went to lunch together or movies or dinner, dancing etc. It was such fun! There was one particular young 24/25 yr old woman named Linda who had beautiful, long hair (down to her bum). She was a little shy and very sweet and sensitive -- never had a bad word to say about anyone or anything; and she had a great sense of humor. After we'd worked together for a few months, one day on the 1st of the month, she wished me a "Rabbit, rabbit!" And then told me this lovely story that her granny had told her.
"When a new month begins, the first thing you must say when you get out of bed is 'Rabbit, Rabbit'; and this will bring you good luck for the rest of the month!"
"How quaint!" I thought (and I can use all the good luck I can get!)
So, for the 3+ years we worked together, we always greeted each other on the first day of a new month with a huge smile and a "Rabbit, rabbit!" Even after she moved away and I changed jobs and then married, I would often continue with the "Rabbit, Rabbit". And when I had children, it became just another fun thing to pass on to my kids.
About 8 years ago, I "found" some of those old friends again via email. I asked about Linda (whom they were still in contact with), and said to tell her that I still celebrated her Granny's "Rabbit, rabbit day!" They emailed me back a few weeks later telling me that they'd heard from Linda; and Linda had laughingly told them that her Granny never told her that story! It was just something she made up way back then as a joke! She thought it was hilarious that I was still doing this!
Who'd a thunk it!! This sweet, shy little girl from New Brunswick had been playing this 30 year old practical joke. I TOO thought this was hilarious!
(I can laugh at myself because I have so many opportunities to do so!)
But you know -- Greeting a new month with 'Rabbit,rabbit' had become such a habit, that whenever I woke on the first day of the month, I thought of it. So, why break a good habit; I decided to continue with it!
Rabbit, Rabbit fellow bloggers!
****************PS - Today is also National Cherry Popover Day.
And the month of September is: National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, Mold Awareness Month, National Chicken Month, Honey Month Mushroom Month, Preparedness Month, Sickle Cell Awareness Month, Reunion Planning Month, and Wild Animal Remembrance Month.
International Enthusiasm Week begins today; and I enthusiastic encourage you to laugh!
What a sweet story! I think it's a wonderful tradition so "Rabbit, Rabbit" to you, too, dear friend!:) Lori
I've seen that rabit rabit on others blogs so I think there really is something to that story. I don't think they knew your friend as they are from other parts of the USA. Funny you do it too!
what a great story...thx for sharing
Rabbit, Rabbit girl. Looks like it has worked for you all these years. I just love the bunnies anyway. Have a blessed evening.
Hi Doris!
I always heard that you say:
"Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit" when sitting beside a campfire- when the smoke is blowing your way...then it makes the smoke go away! :-)
Cheryl in IN
I guess we all have some pretty funny traditions...that is a cute one though!
very funny post and a rabbit rabbit to you!
Ha! That's too funny!
Rabbit! Rabbit!
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