Thursday, June 18, 2009


1. I'm thankful that it's Thursday and that it's my last day of work this week. I'm off to the Annapolis Valley tomorrow in the sunshine for a day trip.

2. I'm thankful that I'm a child of God. That doesn't mean being a member of a church or an organization, it doesn't mean duty or obligation: it means that I know His limitless, never-ending love - no matter what I am or do; it means that I know His protection and and I can choose to accept His guidance.

3. I'm thankful that I accomplished what I set out to do this summer with my garden -- and am now free to enjoy it.

4. I'm thankful that my children are alive and healthy and not in jail! I'm also thankful that they're very polite -- and mostly smart -- and usually kind -- and relatively industrious -- and really physically clean!

5. I'm thankful that I am alive and healthy (even if I creak and squeak at times). (I also am very polite and mostly smart and usually kind and very industrious; and I like being clean too, especially after I've gotten garden-dirty!)

6. I'm thankful that I have a wide variety of friends; and I'm especially thankful for the small handful that nourish and feed my soul with love and laughter and acceptance. The world can sometimes be quite cruel!

7. I'm thankful that I live in a beautiful province in a great country and am blessed by medicare and free speech.

8. I'm thankful that I have a job (for however long it may last!!) with 3 great bosses - 1 who pays me every 2 weeks; 1 who brings me really good chocolate a few times a year; and 1 who does my electrical & plumbing work, transports my gravel, moves my appliances, lends me his van, and on and on and on.

9. I'm thankful that my province has lots of Frenchies thrift stores and a couple of great Value Village stores. And I'm thankful for yard sale season.

10. I'm thankful that I discovered the world of blogging. You guys have enriched my life, given me so much laughter (and useless information), added to the file in my brain labelled "Imagination", and become great friends. I wish I could have you all over this summer for my sangria party!

Blessing to all!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Cheers to you and your Thankful list!

alaine@éclectique said...

Hello Sandy, Just found your blog through bearswamp reflections and I'm putting you on my daily peeps, if you don't mind that is! I've really enjoyed what I've seen so far.

MissKris said...

Your Thankful list sounds so much like mine. I do wish I could find more garden-dirty time, tho. Since taking on the daily care of my grandboys 3 years ago when the first one was born my garden time, which I consider my Zen time! - is almost non-existent. One look at my garden proves it! But one thing about it...everything has grown in abundance! It just has kind of a wild 'cottage-y' look about it now. The only flowerbeds that appear 'tended' are those out front facing the street. I DO have a LITTLE bit of pride, haha! Enjoy your day trip!

Connie said...

Great list, especially number 2!

Susan said...

Sandy, you truly have a lot of wonderful things to be thankful for. You are very blessed, especially in your children.

I wish my gardening and garden was as organized as yours. It just kind of exists haphazardly, although I am a nut about pulling weeds. I have to say my flower bed off the patio has never been prettier than this year. I'm pretty sure it is solely due to all the chicken poop I washed into it from the patio last summer! :)


  Sorry! I thought I could return to a normal schedule. But my sense of 'normal' has changed. After the past 5 years of various ailm...