A journey of exploration and discovery of who I am becoming during the aging process. A great big bang-up HURRAH! that I'm alive. A lot of talk about sundry and miscellaneous stuff & nonsense that may or may not have relevance; they may not even make sense (remember, I'm menopausal!). But I'm hoping they'll be fun.
This is the ceiling in the old entrance of the ROM. Pretty nice, huh! But I wouldn't wanna clean it!
I think by this time we were on Queen Street. We were pretty damp. So, we visited a few nice little stores with new merchandise. I bought a couple of Christmas presents (Shhh! No peeking!) We visited LD2's Amour at work; and as the rain let up a little we walked yet some more.
We stopped at LD2's favorite Vintage Store. And just as we were walking in, guess who was walking out? Why there he is --- it's Evan Biddell, winner of last year's Project Runway Canada. (He was my choice of winner as well!) I didn't speak to him; I was either too tired, too wet or too awestruck -- or a combination of all!
It was time for another break by then. And perfect timing and location! LD2 took me for my birthday gift. And what a wonderful birthday gift it was!
We went to Nadege Patisserie! Toronto Life did a write-up about this shop and has this to say about it: "Nadege Nourian makes ... macaroons that melt in the mouth ... in flavors like cappuccino, blackberry-chocolate and wasabi-grapefruit."
Oh my goodness!
You cannot in any way compare them to what we in North America call macaroons. They are nothing like these creations. What can I say that can describe how exquisite it was? Let me try .....
This was the late but oh-so-great "Marie Antoinette" --
a pyramid of maple cream mousse with miniature macaroons on the side.
And this lovely is the "Adiction" ...
layers of dark chocolate and pomegranate cream mousse encased in a cylinder of white chocolate. Yes people -- that leopard print looking outside is edible chocolate!
It was bliss! We shared!
And this is what we took home with us:
"Hmmm. Perfect for ritual virgin sacrifice!"
This same overpriced shop had a wool blanket I asked about. But the owner was so rude, I kept my money where it was and I didn't buy it! We left!!
We walked and walked some more, in and out of shops. We passed this along the way, and I thought it was a very clever and green use of junk! As a gardener, I was very pleased!We both choose a salad. (I start out eating healthily but get more decadent as the day goes by! You'll see!!) You had your choice of greens and 6 toppings; my choices were spinach and argula with chickpeas, black olives, carrots, cucumbers, pea pods and these great seasoned croutons that were almost like eating meat! It was topped with seeds, parmesan cheese and a Thai dressing. So yummy!!
Here are some of their wonderful soups -- Sweet potato, Tomato basil, veg chilli.
Stay tuned for Part 2 of Day 1 and a continuation of my fantastic fun and food adventure in Toronto!
She also requested her buckwheat pillow and some LaHave Bakery bread.
But Mom also comes bearing unasked-for gifts; necessary Nova Scotia items such as:
Is there an echo in here??
And what did Mama pack for herself?
Well, along with her comfortable walking shoes; a scarf, gloves & hat; and those nice new-to-me stretch jeans (all with little Polish coffee shops and Italian pastry shops in mind), she packed this necessity:
And I certainly wasn't disappointed when I looked in the bag. Three beautiful items from "Vintage and Vogue".
I wish I could get a photo that would do justice to this absolutely beautiful magnet. It's French stamps behind this lovely crystal. I just love it! ***
Then there was a lovely purse hanger. (I didn't have one of these, so I'm looking forward to putting it to use by going shopping and/or eating out!)
And lastly, this beautiful bookmark! I have another "dress" bookmark as well. But they're so pretty; so I prefer to hang them and enjoy them that way!
Thank you Robin! I feel very fortunate!
Sorry! I thought I could return to a normal schedule. But my sense of 'normal' has changed. After the past 5 years of various ailm...