But by mid February, most of my resolutions were gone by the wayside, and life would be "back to normal", so to speak. I'd be disappointed in myself; and sometimes I'd feel guilty for not doing the right thing; and I'd often accuse myself of not having enough will power.
But then the next Christmas, history would repeat itself. On Dec 31st, I'd make another list, resolving to do better beginning the very next day -- Jan 1st. But the resolutions never stuck. And the same vicious cycle would unfold with the disappointment and guilt and lack of will power. So, I gave up making New Year's resolutions.

To keep following, trusting and seeking Christ.

- To accept the changes that happen to me and around me; and when it's really difficult to do that, to hide myself in Him until (in the immortal words of Captain Picard) He can "Make it so!").
- To love myself more and more each day -- each additional grey hair or wrinkle, each new dimple on my at one time pretty little fanny, each ache of my knee joints.
- To pick myself up when I screw up yet again, and to keep tring to see myself as He sees me.
- To not judge myself harshly or beat myself up; because then my head is so full of "Bad, bad Sandy!" that I'm unable to hear the still small voice of God and the gentle life-changing guidance of His words.
- To complain less and smile more.
- To daily seek the wisdom of Christ.
- And while doing all the above, to ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY what He's given me
Things like:
- My comfy home ... My friends old and new... My beautiful garden... My ungrateful children... My underpaid crappy job!
- My funny, cheerful, supportive, encouraging, lovely blogging friends (You are such a blessing to me!)
- My comfortable mattress (joy oh joy)... My hidden stash of chocolate (a dose of bliss when I need it!)... My jar of loonies and toonies (Google Canadian coinage) which equals the low price of that high cholesterol cheeseburger (with fries and a chocolate shake!!).
- The movement of my limbs as I walk (and a pair of good walking shoes)... Good books (and cheap Dollar Store glasses)... Music, music, music, always and everywhere music!
- A fairly abundant supply of hot water (and just enough lavender bath oil to last me until Mother's Day?)... A cup of hot tea on a quiet childless Saturday morning in front of the big window
OMG! There is so much to be optimistic about. Are you gagging yet?
If not,
You've got to ac-cen-tuate the positive
(lyrics by Johnny Mercer)
I love your list and realistic goals. Yes acceptance is a great thing as we age and gain all this wisdom Lol!
Happy 2010 to you and yours! Looking forward to reading more!
That was a post full of gratitude and I loved it. Very uplifting and so true. God Bless you this year and always. (funny-my post verification word is "trust". I thought you would appreciate that precious lil' fact!
A lot of really great thoughts in this blog! Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year!
AMEN, sista!!
Acceptance is where it's at Doris the great = )
It's so much easier to let go and let God, isn't it?? This was a very lovely and uplifting post. I am glad things will be coming together much easier for you this year to minimize the disappointments. There is much gratitude in your wisdom.
Let's make this a great decade!
You have the best of resolutions I've heard yet. The 2nd best was one person that resolved to start everyday with a prayer. We don't have control, but we can trust in the One who does. That is one constant that will never change. Happy New Year!
This is such a wonderful post Sandy. Thank you for giving me a glimpse into your very soul. I love you love of God and I share it with you. It is so true that He is all-powerfull and it is also true (although I think it has become something of a cliche) that there is nothing Him and us cannot accomplish or conquer together.
I love this resolution. It is very similar to my own. All the best to you in 2010!!
Beautifully and cleverly written! our post is a Masterpiece !
Have a Happy New Year!
I meant: Your post, of course.
Preach it, baby. Good stuff.
Woohoo, sister. Beautifully said dear girl. I do a day at a time thing. Just to use the day as a gift given by God to the best of my ability with His helping hand.
You have a great year!!!
You are in fact very chipper today and full of hope and optimism. I believe this is what the verse means when Jesus promises that we'll have life and have it 'to the full' or 'abundantly.'
I just found your blog by way of Nezzy's blog. So glad her post directed me this way. I sure hope I can sound like you do at some point this year. God bless.
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