The early morning finds were great prices; by mid morning, you could begin some heavy duty bargaining; and by noon, everything was a steal! I filled one bag for $5 and then got a basket full for $3. Why, I got soooo much for such good prices, that even now, I feel like dancing with joy!
Which will be easy for me with the 12 CD's I got for 25 to 50 cents each! I found CD's for all my musical moods. Yes, I can rock out with Lenny Kravitz, get hot and spicy with the Gipsy Kings, become sultry with Anita Baker or Roberta flack, or go "down home" listening to bluegrass. There's Bruce Cockburn's Xmas album for seasonal touches, or Arabic or Italian music when I feel like travelling to more exotic places. (Shock! More exotic than Bridgewater???)
With Mendelssohn, I can practice being cultured, become introspective while listening to Serenity zen-like music; And with Barry White, I can ...................
Well, we all know what Barry White's music was always used for. So this celibate little Christian lady will just have to remember her wild youth while listening to him. Sigh!!!
And perhaps cry a little :( ..... 'cause "I ain't dead yet, people!!
To satisfy my insaitiable thirst for reading, I got this stack of paperbacks for 25 cents each as well as the Labyrinth game on the very top.

And to round off today's post, I got another "Company's Coming" cookbook --- for 25 cents!

Ahhh! Ya gotta love these yearly yard sales!
Stay tuned this week for more exciting reveals!! And don't forget to run over to
Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays and see the rest of the great bargains.