
I love our sometimes rather ridiculous national symbols -- such as our national animal, the beaver. (I mean really guys! The U.S. has the magestic eagle, and Canada has an oversized rodent with a flat tail and a penchant for trees! Who came up with that one?). Then there's the moose (rather delicious sauteed with onions and served with small potatoes!). I love that our $1 coin has a loon on it (Canada's national bird) and is affectionately called the "Loonie" (followed by our $2 coin known as the "Twoonie").
I love that lacrosse is our national sport and that it's origins come from our Native peoples! And I especially love the fact that no one would ever be able to tell that lacrosse is our national sport because of the country-wide fervor that envelopes 99% of our country whenever a hockey game is on! (And I love that Canada's hockey team won Olympic Gold this year!)
I love Michael Buble and Joni Mitchell and Bruce Cockburn; Mike Myers and William Shatner and Bob & Doug McKenzie; Michael Ondaatje and Alice Munroe and Robert Munsch; Leonard Cohen and Pauline Johnson and Dennis Lee. We are an extremely talented country!
And although I can't say that I actually love our politians ("They are like diapers; they both need to be changed often ..... and for the same reason". Mark Twain), I do love that we still have strong ties to the monarchy in England and to our beloved Elizabeth II (who is visiting us this week.) [Hope she reads this and sends along some marmalade or toffee to say thanks!]
I love our Newfoundland blueberries and partridgeberries. I love our Nova Scotia strawberries and cranberries. I love our Ontario peaches, Quebec Poutine, Prairie wheat and canola; and British Columbia salmon (and those sweet Nanimo bars!)
I love our Newfoundland blueberries and partridgeberries. I love our Nova Scotia strawberries and cranberries. I love our Ontario peaches, Quebec Poutine, Prairie wheat and canola; and British Columbia salmon (and those sweet Nanimo bars!)
I adore our maple syrup! And I l.o.v.e our beer! On a hot summer day! Umm um um um um! "How's it goin, eh!"
I love my country!
Happy Birthday Canada. Tomorrow, I'll be wearing red and white and hanging out at the street parties listening to traditional fiddle music (and quite possibly a little Drake or Justin Bieber). [But never Celine Dion who has gone over to the dark side!!!] I'll be eating good food and watching parades and enjoying a glass of wine before the fire works!
Oh! And Canada ...... thanks for the great holiday!