Happy 1st (full) Day of Fall.
This is my first back home in 41 years, so it will be interesting to compare Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. The colorful leaves are still to come, but there's so much more about NL that evokes autumn.

Newfoundlanders LOVE the outdoors; and it seems that regardless of your finances, most people have a cabin, a shack or something set up in the woods to visit on the weekends. My sister and her fiance have an very small, ancient travel trailer that they've set up off one of the logging roads here. (NL's whole interior is forest, so setting something up on Crown land is something that everyone does with little consequences! Bonus!) I went in with them last Saturday, and it was a slice of heaven!

Differences in NS and NL autumns? Well ................
- In NL, I'll be wearing sweaters, scarves and hoodies much sooner than I would in NS. There's no "Indian Summer" like I enjoyed in NS.
- There are fewer farm markets in NL (just one very small one in this area) given that some of the only things that will grow in abundance are root vegetables and rocks!
- My sister's mid-October autumn wedding will probably not happen outside.
- I won't get to do my annual apple farm visit and purchase cheap, delicious, fresh-off-the-branch apples.
But ...................
- Hurray! I'll get to enjoy wearing my sweaters, scarves and hoodies much sooner than I normally would!
- Fresh produce and apples will be that much more appreciated when they do come along!
- There'll be a plethora (isn't that a wonderful word!) of outdoor fires and nights in front-of with friends and family!
- Bonfire Night is an official holiday in NL. I shall once again get to experience eating half-cooked, blackened potatoes done over a bonfire made from sticks, old pickets & pallets, green tree boughs and the occasional discarded rubber tire. (Please! Someone bring marshmallows!)
- And because Corner Brook is a city of hills and trees overlooking the long, protected Bay of Islands, my exposure to gorgeous autumn scenes will be intensified greatly! What amazing views!
Enjoy your day as well.