My new students arrived last weekend on either side of a snow storm. And as always, they bring a gift for the new host Mom. I love getting (and giving) gifts; but the ones I get from my international children are always special because they are so unique.
This beautiful scarf was given to me by Abby from China. Isn't it lovely! It reminds me of a Jewish prayer shawl, and that suits me just fine!
Like many Chinese students, Yuxin has decided to take the much easier English name of Abby (because we're so hopeless at pronouncing their beautiful names!). My Korean daughter did the same; and she told me it was an exciting yet serious chore when she sat down with her father and decided on her "Canadian" name.
These are my gifts from Japan. Isn't this the most exquisite packaging! I'm always blown away by the beauty and detail. These are shortbread cookies with chocolate icing in the centre: strawberry white chocolate, white chocolate with dried fruit, etc. Absolutely delicious!
And then there is this gorgeous box of chocolates! Be still my heart! I've only eaten one so far -- the dark chocolate with candied ginger. And yes, the quality is wonderful.
The one out front is white/strawberry chocolate with dried strawberries; there are almond milk, white and dark chocolates and what looks to be a mocha white chocolate.
I'll have lots of fun trying these out. But at the moment, I'm trying to curb my sweet tooth and take off those 5 lb that magically appeared over Xmas! (2.4 down so far.)
Aren't I fortunate to have these wonderful opportunities to share my life with young girls from other countries.
To say nothing of how fortunate I am to be the recipient of such beautiful gifts.