My massage therapist told me all this. Actually, she's been my biggest and best source of advice since I hurt my back. The emergency clinic doctors (like John Snow) know nothing!
I've been icing my back twice in the evening at home for 10 min intervals and I've improved so much. My back and shoulder pain are almost back to being manageable.

It's a difficult lunch hour when you have to spend it sitting in a recliner with a needle sticking out of your ear and a trashy magazine and a fizzy water!

But as my back pain is very "vocal" at demanding my attention more than these other pressing matters, I sat up straight, breathed deeply and looked within for zen reminders. Reminders such as:
"God loves you Sandy."
"Your body is a temple so treat it gently and with respect."
"You have Crave TV and Agent Carter can be found there."

Ahhhhhhhh. That's better.
My little car limped home at 1 pm yesterday afternoon just as our latest snow storm was beginning. Annkatrin and I enjoyed an evening of SkipBo and laughter. And this morning at 7:30 am, my outside was a winter wonderland again with the promise of sunshine peeping through the trees.
Ahhhhh, a quiet morning in my chair with a delicious latte, the weekend paper and a few more deep breaths.
Life is not so bad after all when you have the luxury of warmth and comfort and a future that could bring recovery.
AND a good cup of coffee!