I've missed sharing with you lately. Life has been a flurry of Xmas dinners, lunches & teas; craft shows, parades & concerts; letter writing, card addressing, gift wrapping & parcel sending. And although it's certainly not stopped, I'm finding some time to breathe and enjoy this beautiful season.
Last weekend, we did one of my favorite things and got the Xmas tree. We didn't trek through the woods; we drove around the corner and bought the 1st one we liked. And I did what I always do on tree day: played Xmas music, had hot chocolate and ...... cut too many branches off the bottom of the tree!
Natsumi was so excited! She's only ever had a table top tree in Japan; so she was thrilled at the prospect of a 5.5 ft tree. She thought that carrying it home in the trunk was hilarious. |
Then we brought up the boxes and decorated the house. (The tree will be finished tonight.)
One of my favorite Xmas spots is always the collection of miniatures on my top-o-the-stairs bookshelf. Each year, something is added to it. This year, it's the "triangular shaped" Santas shown 2nd from the left on the bottom. |
I've been keeping up with your blogs and enjoying your decorating, travels, food, etc. -- even if I haven't commented and you've no proof that I've been to visit. I've been there ... in the shadows ... smiling .... and yawning.