I've seen your beautiful photos of Thanksgiving with your families. I've seen small families and I've seen large ones. I've seen families sharing in the food preparation; I've seen music and after dinner walks or games; I've seen family snoozing on the sofa once the turkey takes affect. I've seen babies being cuddled and trees being decorated. And I just have one thing to say:
I have a daughter in Toronto who can't afford to come home this Christmas.
I have a daughter in the city who just quit school so she could work and make minimum wage and will probably be working most of the Christmas season.
My brother who lives an hour away doesn't much want to see family. (He has issues.)
The rest of my wonderful family are mostly in Newfoundland - an 8 hour drive, then an 8 hour ferry ride, followed by a 3 hour drive -- all wrapped up in oddles of Canadian currency and gas money.
On Sunday afternoon, I eagerly and cheerfully began to open the Christmas decoration boxes and put a few things around. Then it struck me! Molly isn't here, and she's the daughter that takes just as much joy in Christmas decorating as I do. Libby is working so much that I may not even get to hear her groan and make large, loud sighs over having to place a few ornaments on the tree and then make 15 trips to the bathroom! (Does decorating make you want to pee a lot?) And Amy! Oh my darling Amy! She won't even make it home for Xmas again this year.

I was overwhelmed with sadness! It's not that children grow up, but they move away! And a lot of the time, they move far enough away that it's difficult to visit!
What's a sad Mama to do? Booze and chocolate just won't cut it, people! God will comfort me, I know! But I'm still gonna feel the pain of separation! And I don't want to feel this pain!

And this all helped and I felt encouraged that it would be another wonderful Christmas!
And calling Molly to tell her how much I missed her that day helped as well. (I couldn't reach Amy. She's out leading her life without me! Waaaaaah!)
And watching "Elf" on TV helped.
And having peppermint chocolate chip ice cream with crumbled peanut butter cookies and chocolate sauce helped!
But you know what? It would also help if you'd all stop having such a good time with your families! 'Cause misery loves company, don't ya know!
PS - The above is based on jealousy and self-pity. This jealousy and self-pity will pass (and return periodically like a bad 70's sitcom). Please ignore my crying and keep sending me your wonderful pictures and stories. I'm a big girl and will handle it -- with prayer ------ and with more ice cream and sauce!