In spite of a dreadful cold which came on quickly Wed night AND the 3 nights with little sleep; last night my cold began to dry up, and this morning I felt much better. Good thing, because I had to drive my middle baby to the airport. My international babies were still tucked in bed and had big plans for the day. So, here I was with the afternoon to myself, driving right past the city with Value Village right off the highway and early birthday money in my pocket from Mommy & Daddy. Like ... I mean! When's this gonna happen again? In another year? At this age, a woman can't wait that long!
And it was at Value Village that I proved my latest theory (see yesterday's post).
Shoes really DO make me feel better!
These sweet red ones for $5
These brand-spanking new pair of Denver Hayes boots for $24.95 (original price $129)
And these gorgeous navy blue slingbacks for $6.99
The navy blue purse behind the shoes did not come from Value Village but is something I've been searching for for about 3 years. When I set my heart on pursuing MY blue purse, I knew that it couldn't just be ANY blue purse. It had to "speak" to me. And up till today, no other blue purse had spoken -- a few whispered; some mumbled; & there were those that I simply couldn't understand! But this afternoon as I leisurely walked through The Shoe Company (my very first time, may I add), I met a very noisy, very persistant Italian one. 
"Buon giorno" (Good day), it called to me with a sophisticated, classical lilt whilst infusing the air around it with a heady aroma of leather. "Ciao bella!" (Hello beautiful) I said as I gently picked it up and tenderly held it in my arms.
I tried it on my shoulder -- "Perfezione!" (Perfection)
I touched it's silky surface and breathed it's scent - "Inebriare!" (Intoxicating)
Suddenly, I was back in my Mom & Dad's rec room in 1972, and all I could hear was Dean Martin singing. "That's Amore!" and "Lei tutto è" ("You are Everything"). Then I looked at the price tag! More than I wanted to pay!
I asked a lovely sales-lady if there were more navy blue purses "Around the $50 range". And not willing to part from the object of my affection, I decided to scour the store myself. I picked up 4 others,tried them on for size and carried them with me. But alas! All I could hear was "O Marenariello" ("I Have But One Heart").
Heading back to the front of the store, I began to hear the beginning strains to "Arriverderci, Roma". But I found it very hard to put her back! You see, she was the last one on the shelf!
So, I decided to give it one last try. I asked that same lovely sales-lady if this was the very best they could do and reminded her of my price limit. She said something about checking for coupons, disappeared for 5 minutes, and then returned with wonderful news! She handed me a $10 off coupon PLUS she told me that when I checked out at the cash, there was a one day only, "30% off the 1st item" Manager's Special coupon waiting for me!
"Trionfale!" (Triumphant!) I got the purse for $60! And what an absolute darling of a sales-lady! Un angelo! Just when you think there aren't any of them left in the world, huh!
(Ask me what my new favorite store is, huh? Huh?)
And as I left The Shoe Company, I swear that I could hear Deano singing "Besame, Besame Mucho" (Kiss Me, Kiss Me Lots).
But I waited until we were in the car ... alone!