."Winter squash has such a tough skin! What's the best way to peel and cut it?"
That was a question I was asked recently. And although Canadian thanksgiving is over with for this year, I know there are many of my American blogging buddies who are probably wondering the same thing. I'm here to help!
Let's talk about squash! The yellow and orange flesh of this lovely vegetable is more nutritious and richer in vitamins, especially beta carotene, than summer squash. It's always served cooked and, because of its tough skin, only the inside flesh is eaten. This flesh is sweet and perfect for cooking - as a side dish with your meal, baked and stuffed, or pureed and turned into muffins, sweet breads and pies, especially pumpkin! There are many varieties of this lovely vegetable; and because it's hard, protective outer skin increases its storage life, winter squash can be stored for 3 months or longer if kept in a cool dark place, like a basement or garage.
Unlike the picture above, squash cannot talk!
Some winter squash are small and can be peeled with relative ease. But in Atlantic Canada, the one you most often find is the Buttercup squash which has an extremely tough outer skin.
However, being tough Maritimers ourselves, we do not flinch at the task! So, let me share my knowledge with you on how to tackle the job of peeling and cutting up one of my favorite vegetables.
First, assemble the tools you'll need for the job.
I use a large chef's knife. I insert the point of the knife into
one end and exert pressure on it while kind-of rocking it back and forth to cut through the skin. If the squash is a large one (like I'm apt to buy, especially for holiday meals), it will probably only cut part of the way before it becomes stuck; you then put yourself in reverse -- hold the squash down and rock the knife back and forth while you pull on it to get it out. Wipe blood off vegetable, get a bandaid and continue. Now, turn the squash upside down, insert the point into the skin on this side, and rocking the knife back and forth, try to meet up with your original cut. .
Phew! Man! This is hard work! Better fortify yourself; open that bottle of Thanksgiving wine and pour a wee glass!

Now that the first cut is done, it will be a little easier. Continue to cut your squash into manageable chunks. You may have to stop every now and then (5 min rests as opposed to the 10 min one you needed for that first cut.) Open and close your cramping fingers several times to get the blood flowing again; rub vigorously to try to get the imprint of the knife handle out of the palm of your hand. Raise squash into the air and shout loudly at Vegetable Gods:
Why! Why! WHY!.
Pour more wine. Ahhhhh! Now, back to squash .....
Sorry! Wrong squash!.
Depending on the size of your squash (and your wine glass), this portion of the job should take anywhere from 1/2 an hour to 45 min. Once that sucker is cut into chunks, it gets much easier. The next thing you do is to scoop out its guts with your large soup spoon.
During this task, you will find that this slippery little devil will flick its slimy entrails around your kitchen. (Cursing also usually happens at this stage!) After the centre has been cleaned out, turn the pieces onto their sides and slice off (aka hack off) the tough outer skin. Discard entrails and outer skin, wash chunks, put into pot with a little water & salt, and cook for 15-20 min. .
Collapse on floor and reward yourself for having "tamed the wild beast". While drinking wine, clean the squash seeds out of your hair.
Once the squash is cooked, drain and mash, adding delicious, coronary-hardening amounts of butter and a generous splash of maple syrup (OR is that a generous splash of wine?). Mash the squash some more until it's creamy and sweet and orange and inviting. Umm um um!
Smile and serve this 'sacrifice of time and love' to your family, including the international students who have been gathered to your bosom and wrapped in your warm embrace.
Hear the festive dining room ring out with their loud exclaimations and singing choruses:
"Eww! Mom, I hate squash!"
"Do I have to eat that?"
"No! I don't like the texture!" 
Turn on your heel, go directly upstairs to bedroom, lock door, finish that bottle of wine.
Ungrateful little brats! ...
Yeah! So that's pretty much how I do it. I hope it helps.