Yes, I not only survived the Christmas holidays, but finally, after 3 years, I've had my first good Xmas here in Newfoundland. I prepared Xmas dinner for my dad and siblings; and although both my brother and I had to work fairly hard at the beginning of our time together to fend off the negative comments, pretty soon everyone else joined in the fun and laughter and we all had a good time together. At 89 years of age, my dad won't be around for many more of these.

New Year's Eve was a quiet one. I actually enjoy a quiet evening at home; and this year featured one of my favorite wines, Sandara. And what's more festive than Shaun of the Dead, huh! It worked for Toroto and I.
Now that Xmas is over, the near future looks cold and bleak. It's been in the -12 to -20 C range (10 to -4 F) lately with plenty of the white stuff outside. But we did not get hit with last week's storm like the provincial capital did: St. John's had a day and a half snow storm where 76.2 cm of snow fell: that's 30" of snow! And with the 150 km/hr winds, the snow drifts covered cars and highways 15' in places. Wow! They declared a state of emergency, and even today -- 3 days later -- schools, business' and shops are not open.

Hope you're warm where you are, my blogging friends. I may be here at work, but the fleece is always handy!