Most of our family get-togethers have been round the hospital bed of my mother who very slowly is recuperating. But there's a lot of expectation placed on we sibblings to be at her bedside, even when she's sleeping. She wants company; my Dad wants what she wants; we want her to get well. So everyone had been working double time over the holidays.
The result of those good intentions has been that most of the family has had or has at this moment flu and/or cold. My sister has a bacterial infection that is taking a long time to quit. So, for about 1.5 weeks, it was just my Dad and I doing all the visiting.
But I think that overextending myself coupled with all the Xmas over-indulgence in rich, sugary foods put my immune system at risk. I came down with what I thought was a flu last Thursday only to find out late Sat night that it is indeed --- SHINGLES!
Just that word puts dread in the hearts of many a brave soul! With good reason apparently. I'm in the early stages (and hope my meds will help lessen the pain and duration). But both my parents have had it, and my brother who is in his mid fifties had it in Sept. So, he's been a huge source of help and advice.

I've researched to find all sorts of natural remedies/aids to help me over the next few weeks. But if any of you have advice for me, I welcome it. Even the horror stories are okay to share. I need to know what to expect.
And words of advice for me for the future?
Your health comes first before the wants of others.
After all, if you don't have your health, what do you have and how much good are you to others.