This was my one weekend with nothing planned, sandwiched in between 3 busy weekends in a row and the count-down to Christmas. But when you wake and the sunshine is streaming in your bedroom window and the temperature 10 deg C (50 deg F), how can you stay at home and organize your linen closet or bake some casseroles or wrap Xmas gifts? The sunshine is calling you out for a last, long, lingering date before the ice and the snow and the cold force you to be window friends, gazing at each other and making promises about spring.
A quick call to a friend, a tank of gas, a couple of apples and a pocket full of peanut butter-ginger chews, and out the door we went, heading to Kedji Adjunct for a great hike.
We were momentarily weigh-laid by this sign!
I loved that the outside planters still held beautiful, cascading, spongy-succulents, green and blooming on Nov 10th in amongst the Xmas lights. |
Inside the old schoolhouse was wonderful: Large rooms led into small rooms, each filled with little stalls for individual crafters. (I talked myself out of buying the gorgeous watercolor in the lower middle; Santa already has my Xmas stocking filled!) Most things were really very reasonably priced; and such talent! There was also a little room full of books and magazines, a large room full of yard sale items and an even larger artist's gallery room. And the girl's bathroom reminded me of my first school in the early 60's with little narrow wooden stalls and short tiny wash basins. |
I made a few yard sale purchases and choose "5 paperbacks for $1". As well, I purchased 2 pairs of these gorgeous mittens made from recycled wool sweaters as well as 2 cedar-smelling "Tussy Mussy" packets -- one for under my pillow (to keep me dreaming of "visions of sugar-plums")
and one to add to my Toronto daughter's package to remind her of of Nova Scotia Xmas trees and "home for the holidays", neither of which she'll enjoy this year. :(
We arrived at Kedji Adjunct at 2 pm and, although still bright and sun-filled, we were glad of our hats, gloves and fleece jackets. We opted for the full 8.7 km (5.5 mi) hike. We kept a good pace, but we stopped near the seaside and on the last leg of the boardwalk to use the view-finders, rest a little and just marvel at the beauty around us.
Thank you God for lungs and legs that still work and for eyes, ears and noses to drink in your creation!
On our drive home, we stopped in Liverpool for a hot cuppa to warm us up AND some of the best pizza on the planet. What a great day it was!