I was fairly new at being a single Mom. I'd spent a year working whatever jobs I could, and a year waiting to get into school to upgrade my trade. And just a few days late of the start of the school year, I finally got the call saying I was approved. I should report to school around 11 AM Atlantic time on September 11, 2001.
So, I got the kids up and off to school. And I took a little extra time getting myself ready. As I was having that final cup of coffee, I flipped on the TV to check the news. And what news!! I saw the live coverage of the second plane. I was dum-founded! I called my American friend in the next town and told her to turn on the TV.
I was late for my first day of school, but how could I leave. I sat and cried with you America!
I'm thinking of you today.
I know exactly what I was doing when I saw the entire thing on the television. I still get a hollowness in my stomach....Thanks for thinking of us.
It was a day forever etched in my memory...
I was sitting in the classroom when a college came in and announced the attack. What a horrible tragedy in all the lives lost during that awful day in history. I still pray for the loved ones of those who lost their lives that day. Thank you my friend for remembering our loss. God bless you and enjoy your day!!!
Lots and lots of tears were shed that day and most of us will never forget what we were doing at the time. I was at work and listening to the radio. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
What a lovely post, Sandy... Donna
Not a good day :(
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