There are two things that can immediately make me cry:

This morning when I awoke, gone was the sunshine of yesterday! It was raining, raining, raining; and leaves littered the ground and the roadways. I thought about dressing for church, and I knew that I couldn't go out in public in heels again this year without adequate protection ..... protection for me from the elements; and protection for the rest of you from the bright, shiny, pastie whiteness of my pretty gams! I didn't want to be blinding anyone!
(You know the rules! No white after Labour Day --- and you've been pushing the envelope too long, Sandy!)
I just knew, this was it; summer is officially over for me!
Au revoir l'été. L'automne long de vie!
Hold on .............. I need a moment here!*

Okay, I'm fine now! As my good Irish Catholic friend Antonia would say: "I've offered it up to Jesus".
And if I MUST finally say goodbye to summer ..... if I MUST do the decent thing and cover myself .... if I MUST put on panty hose, let's do it in style. Dig, dig, dig in the back of the closet for the "items we can only wear for short periods of time"; and voila!
I wore these pretty shoes. Panty hose and heels DO look nice together! These are my Italian leather shoes from (you guessed it) Value Village. Look at those beautiful heels!

But they're also killers!! I've always told my girls "Beauty is painful!" So, as soon as I got home from church, I made a sandwich and did this:

And as the rain and the leaves continued to fall, the girls and I spent the afternoon leisurely.
bye bye summer!!!
Yup - after this weekend I have to admit summer really is over!
SAndy, I feel your pain!! Love the shoes though!
Love your shoes! Hate pantyhose! I think I'll go look up what evil person came up with the idea that women must have one more struggle in their life!
Living it up at Lakewood,
Those heels are beautiful...too bad they are killers.
I do sympathize with you. I am in mourning as I love summer and am sorry to see it go.
Great heels! I've got to get my hands on that book. You are a wise woman giving into the season and keepin' your tootsies warm.
Me? It was 34 as I was getting ready for church. I pulled on the sweater, heavier slacks and..hummm..
placed my bare little feet (my feet have not grown since the fifth grade) into my summer sandals.
While you were warm and toasty, I was swingin' to the beat singing "Whose the King of the Jungle" in Kids Church with my blue little toes aching for warmth bypassing pantyhose one more day!
Have a super week, girlfriend and soul-sister.
Pantyhose suck!!! Feeling you here...at least I work in the nursery every Sunday...so jeans it is!!
Your post is so funny!Unfortunately we have to say goodbye to Summer....sigh!Do you like Italian fashion?Bye.Anna.
I think pantyhose was kicked out of heaven with Lucifer - hate them, so in winter I wear pants. Nice warm, comfy pants (preferably jeans of course) and nice warm winter socks - and if my unique fashion sense is not welcome, then I am not welcome and that is their loss. How is that for an attitude... any reason not to wear those dreadful torture tools.
The picture with your feet in water
is very known to me. I often find myself in this position of bathing my tired feet, which is usually after walking in shoes with high heels. It's such a pity, as heels add height, elegance, sophistication.
Very funny! But I don't wear heels, and avoid panty hose; they remind me how fat I am!
Thanks for your visit & nice comment. I like Paul Wilbur, too!
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