My life has slowed down to the pace where Wednesday afternoon, I took a walk through my garden and actually "stopped to smell the roses"! Although the garden is not as colorful and heady as in mid-summer, it's amazing what is blooming out there. How resiliant and anxious the plants are to bloom and spread their joy, short lived as it may soon be!
A lesson we all could learn!

Missing from this photo is the pot of beautiful purple Asters which I just purchased: the bees just love them! And when I came home from work Thursday afternoon, I noticed one of my large yellow Primrose plants getting ready to bloom again! Amazing, huh! It guess it's this hot, humid weather over the past week. It makes it hard to sleep at night; but we don't have to shovel it!
A wonderful weekend to you all. Don't forget to stop by Tootsie Time and see gardens far more beautiful than mine!
Oh! And by the way .........................
Rabbit, Rabbit everyone!
Beautiful garden and flowers!..Christine
Tomorrow will be a day to work on the Fall Deck garden. I hope my plants look half as good as yours!!
Such pretty flowers!!
Gorgeous blooms ... I often take the time to smell the flowers (don't have roses!) It's a great tonic!
It is so nice to slow down isn't it? You still have some nice color going on.
Nice colors! I've never grown the Chinese Lanterns, they look like fun!
I think you are much warmer than we are here in Ontario. It is just good therapy to be able to walk out in the garden for a spell.
Sometimes flowers that bloom into autumn are the most beautiful ones of the year! The colours tend to be so vivid. I especially love late-blooming roses.
Happy October to you! We've had a little rain this week so everything is growing again. It had been so dry that everything was drying up at my house. I hope your Friday is a fantastic one!
What lovely plants in your garden!
Very fun post to visit! I had some similar thoughts about plants and our own seasons of life at my primary site - SandwichINK.com/guo :) And it truly is delightful in our busy days to have those occasional moments to just stop! And be! And smell! And treasure those moments - truly gifts from God. :)
I love all the different stages our garden goes through.
It is nice to be able to take a "lingering" walk through a garden we have created.
Wow - you're getting unseasonably warm weather too! It still looks good in your gardeb,
Our flowers are nearly gone, and soon we'll be raking leaves to make way for the snow....sigh.....
Stopping to smell the roses is something I do far too little. Your garden is so pretty, I'm glad you let us come along on your walk!
lovely garden and picture;it is imporatant to always take time to smell the roses.
It's been a while since I've dropped by. Your garden is gorgeous. You're so right about taking the time to smell the flowers. I need to stop and enjoy them more often. Thanks for the reminder.
Su-sieee! Mac
This and That. Here and There. Now, Sometimes Then.
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